With the Shift Admin app, we are putting the power of our world-class, award-winning software into the palm of your hand. Our new app features a fast-paced, user-friendly design that perfectly compliments the fast-paced and ever-changing lifestyle of today’s clinicians. With this app, ...
With the Shift Admin app, we are putting the power of our world-class, award-winning software into the palm of your hand. Our new app features a fast-paced, use…
Shift Admin is an automated provider scheduling software that simplifies the schedule creation and department management processes. Click to learn more.
当前使用,只能抓到test2的用户密码,在这里我们需要test用户的账号和密码信息 在这里使用命令lsadump::lsa /inject能够导出所有用户的hash值: 209c6174da490caeb422f3fa5a7ae634通过解密可知当前密码为:admin 3.6 删除新增用户 此时将机器重启,利用test admin进行登录,再将当前的test2用户删除: 进入环境之后,发现是无法...
cluster-admin 用户可以在任何项目中做任何操作(超级用户) 如何用于本地 rolebinding,那么用户将拥有所在project的所有权限,包括控制quota和role cluster-status 用户可以获取集群的基本状态信息 edit 用户可以修改项目中的大部分对象;但是不能查看或修改 role 和 rolebinding ...
If you’re interested in more streaming content, please subscribe to theRed Hat livestreamingcalendarto see the upcoming episode topics and to receive any schedule changes. If you have questions or topic suggestions for the Ask an OpenShift Admin Office Hour, please contact us viaDiscord,Twitter...
通过获取其路由和密码登录 ArgoCD,如下所示。用户名是admin。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 $ ocgetroute-n openshift-gitops $ oc extract secret/openshift-gitops-cluster-n openshift-gitops--to=- 登录后,您可以看到 ArgoCD 部署的应用程序。
❑系统用户(System User):大部分系统用户在集群被部署完成后自动创建,主要用于基础架构和API服务之间的安全通信。比如一个集群管理员(system:admin)、每个节点的一个系统用户等。 ❑服务账户(Service Account):这是Project内的特殊系统用户。某些服务账户在Project创建完成后自动创建,项目管理员可以创建服务账户。
1[root@master~]# oc whoami2system:admin #master的root用户为集群的最高权限的用户3[student@workstation~]$ oc whoami #查看当前用户4developer5[student@workstation~]$ ocnew-project working #创建project6[student@workstation~]$ oc status #查看项目状态7In project working on server https://master....
If you have questions or topic suggestions for the Ask an OpenShift Admin Office Hour, please contact us via Discord, Twitter, or come join us live, Wednesdays at 11am EDT / 1500 UTC, on YouTube and Twitch. Episode 45 recorded stream: Use this link to jump directly to where we start...