1.不出所料的话yoyo接下来会起点关键性的作用。 2.may姨和另外四只lmd不是一个阶段的产物。 3.终于有那么一次,预测到了编剧大大的意思,Fitz被换掉了,daisy的异能没办法被复制,所以她没有被掉包,那么情况就变成了由两个文员对一堆打手到一文一武闯天下了。 4.所以上一集扫到出现了4个lmd,那么如果daisy并...
A few things I missed but I’m pretty sure happen. * At one point Nick’s LMD is sent in and is killed. * Nick pulls a fake eye out of his eye patch and uses it as a bomb to blow open a door. * Mind reading woman reads the mind of the guy in the wheel chair and sees a...
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D airs its seventh and last season this summer. Season 6 ended with the team escaping the present and traveling to 1930s Manhattan, and sees the return of Agent Coulson as a life-model decoy, or LMD. It's been hinted that the team will travel to different time...
#张极[超话]#🥳#张极 绝对实力C位出道#🥳#张极 唯一门面ACE# 🔥《我是来揍你的》江湖风云不止拳脚间🌹既是美玉怎会瓦片砾石为伍❓酿一壶清酒肆意挥斥方遒。👊🏻唯一主唱,开口定调 ️🔥 http://t.cn/A6j3YVZk cr:@...
Finally, how did you approach LMD Coulson and figuring out his ending? It seems like it may have been hard to balance not treating him like the real Coulson but also acknowledging that it's sort of him. BELL:Clark was a big part of that as well. Clark wasn't interested in just going...
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