How do I get you my prescription for supplies? You may send us an e-mail with your Doctor’s name and phone number. We will take care of the rest. We will call and obtain your prescription for you. Personal Information How do I change my address information after I have requested an...
financial institutions, healthcare providers, and other sources. If You provide personal information about other individuals, such as Your employees or dependents, You must first obtain their consent. You must provide only accurate information, and refrain from providing information that is not necessary...
Group shall provide the provider with written notice of the reason for the action as required by state and federal law, including any standards and profiling data Group used to evaluate the provider, the number and mix of similar health care providers that Group needs (if applicable), and noti...
The central system supplies 𝑆𝑇ST when communication with the application is available. In case of communication inability with the central system, 𝑆𝑇ST is set to be 15 s. If the application detects a sudden major vertical displacement exceeding a predetermined threshold, it immediately ...
The central system supplies 𝑆𝑇ST when communication with the application is available. In case of communication inability with the central system, 𝑆𝑇ST is set to be 15 s. If the application detects a sudden major vertical displacement exceeding a predetermined threshold, it immediately ...