Qingdao Shida Shenghua International Trade Co., Ltd., established in 2010, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation: Shida Shenghua, stock code: 603026), a school run enterprise of China University of Petroleum (East China), with a ...
Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Co., Ltd. is an international trader, it's from China and belongs to Chemicals etc. industries. (该公司是一家国际贸易商,来自中国,主营业务包括:化工等行业。)基本信息 Enterprise Information (企业资料): Company Name (公司名称): Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Co...
Home > Chemicals Market Price & Insight > Propylene Oxide Market, Price & Analysis > Market Insights - Propylene Oxide > Shandong Shida Shenghua Propylene Oxide Price News (2025-01-13) — Share — Shandong Shida Shenghua Propylene Oxide Price News (2025-01-13)...
“石大胜华”品牌创立于2002年,由山东石大胜华化工集团股份有限公司运营,该品牌所属地为东营。 石大胜华品牌介绍 山东石大胜华化工集团股份有限公司主营业务是碳酸酯类溶剂、锂盐、添加剂及硅基负极等锂电材料产品,聚焦新能源、新材料领域。公司围绕碳酸酯类产品,聚焦新能源、新材料领域,打造立体化完整产业链,纵向延伸精细化...
[Calcined coke]: Tianjin Hongru Petrochemical Calcined coke price news (2025-01-09) Butane More Market Insights Regional Dynamic [Butane]: March 7th, the market price of isobutane in Shandong Special Report The increase in refinery self-use and frequent plant start-ups and shutdowns have led ...
Generic Family: Additive -- Plasticizer • Supplied by: Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group Co., Ltd This product is a colorless transparent liquid, easy to dissolve in water and be mixed with ether, acetone and benzene. It is a high quality polar solvent. Properties Processing Where ...
NBD AI Bulletin-Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group (the Company, SH 603026, closing price: 25.6 yuan) announced on the evening of June 18 that Mr. Gao Jianhong, who served in the 6th board ofsupervisors of the Company, will no longer hold the position of staff supervisor due to personn...
SINGAPORE (ICIS)--China's Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical is running its 60,000 tonne/year propylene glycol (PG) plant in Dongying at 50% of capacity after restarting it on 29 June from a turnaround, a company source said on Friday. The PG plant, consisting of a 40,000 tonne/year ...
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9、 请务必阅读正文之后的免责条款部分 1 38 公司研究信息技术软件与服务 证券研究报告 石基信息石基信息002153深度深度研究报告研究报告 2020 年 08 月 05 日 踏云而上,进击全球踏云而上,进击全球 报告要点:报告要点: 聚焦。 10、中.但事实也证明:在数字化的今天,数据为基础的数字化是今天制胜市场的利器.今年...