MacMorris-Swanson, M, Poodry, CA (1981) The shibirets mutant of Drosophila: A probe for the study of embryonic development. Devel. Biol. 84: pp. 465Swanson, M.M. and Poodry, C.A. (1981). The shibire mutant of Drosophila: A probe for the study of embryonic development. Develop. ...
shibirets1 expression in pacemaker neurons lengthens period.Valerie, L. Kilman
Compound eyeshibire tsDevelopmentWe have analysed the effect of temperature on both developing and adult eye cell clones homozygous forshi ST139 , a temperature-sensitive mutant ofDrosophila melanogaster. The mutant gene, autonomous in its cellular expression, causes structural modifications of ommatidia...
The sex-linked temperature-sensitive mutation, shibirets1, which causes, at the restrictive temperature, adult paralysis and pleiotropic morphological defects in embryonic, larval, and pupal development, has been shown to exhibit temperature-sensitive inhibition of differentiation in embryonic cultures in ...
Unique biochemical and behavioral alterations in Drosophila shibire(ts1) mutants imply a conformational state affecting dynamin subcellular distribution and synaptic vesicle cycling - Chen, Green, et al. - 2002Chen ML, Green D, Liu L, Lam YC, Mukai L, Rao S, Ramagiri S, Krishnan KS, Engel ...
Targeted expression of shibire[supts] and semaphorin 1a reveals critical periods for synapse formation in the giant fiber of Drosophila.Presents a study which determined the timing of events during the assembly of a neural circuit in Drosophila by targeting expression of the temperature-sensitive ...
Backcrossing heteroallelic shibirets (shits: 1 - ca 52) Drosophila melanogaster to either the shits1 or shits2 parent strain yields, with low frequency, recombinant progeny with shi+ phenotype. Such flies are easily selected, because in contrast to shits flies, they retain mobility and viability...
(1983) Acetylcholine synthesis and accumulation in the CNS of Drosophila larvae: analysis of shibirets a mutant with a temperature-sensitive block in synaptic transmission. J. Neurochem . 40, 1386- 96Wu, C.-F., J. M. Bemeking, and D. L. Barker (1983a) Acetylcholine synthesis and ...