1. Siberian Husky Shiba Inu mix (AKA Shiba Husky) Source: @yuki_122418 / IG The Shiba Husky is a mix between a Siberian Husky and a Shiba Inu. This hybrid is one of the common Shiba Inu crosses. Shiba Huskies are medium-sized canines with the strong wolf- and fox-like features. The...
Siberian Shiba "This is Phoebe. She is a Shiba Inu / Siberian Husky mix. She is 26 lbs. and a wonderfully behaved dog. She has oneblue eye, and one eye that is half blue and half brown." Other Names Husky Inu Shusky Description...
Healthy dog treats are hard to find. Many commercial dog treats contain ingredients and additives that are unhealthy for our dogs. A dog may also beallergic to some of these ingredients.For example, my Shiba Inu is allergic to wheat, and my Siberian Husky is allergic to wheat, oats, and ...
I had a shiba inu/chow mix once named Marcus. Had him about 7 years before he passed from epilepsy. He was one of the most well-behaved dogs I’d ever seen, and the sweetest. I suppose he adopted the best traits of both breeds, rather than the worst, thank heavens! He did 4-H ...