Shexiang Baoxin Wan(Musk HeartProt ecting Pill)UremiaArteriosclerosisDysenteryBorneolHepatic Coma摘要:Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicinedoi:10.1007/BF02935419
Shexiangbaoxinwan to AMI thrombolysis future ventricle configuration and function influence 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 41 作者:Y Yang,YD Ye,LM Mao 被引量: 5 年份: 2005 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 ResearchGate 相似文献 引证文献...
AIM: To study the effect of Shexiang Baoxin Wan (SXBXW) on myocardial infarction. METHODS: Myocardial infarction was evoked by ligation of the left coronary artery in rabbit. Either SXBXW (1pill, qd for 3d) or metoprolol (4mgkg^(-1), once) was administered before the ligation. Infarct...
【处方】麝香、人参提取物、牛黄、肉桂、苏合香、蟾酥、冰片 【制法】以上七味,除苏合香外,其余麝香等六味共研成细粉,以苏合香加适量白酒泛丸,干燥,即得。 【性状】为黑褐色有光泽的微丸,截面棕黄色;味苦、辛凉,有麻舌感。 【功能与主治】芳香温通,益气强心。用于心肌缺血引起的心绞痛、胸闷及心肌梗塞。 【...
精密称取脂蟾毒配基对照品5mg,置100ml量瓶中,加乙腈溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀;精密吸取1ml置10ml量瓶中,加乙腈稀释至刻度,摇匀,作为对照品溶液。 2. 供试品溶液的制备 将麝香保心丸研成细粉,精密称取约0.5g至索氏提取器中,加适量氯仿提取5小时,提取液真空抽干,用乙腈溶解,精密定容至10 ml容量瓶中,...
shexiangbaoxinwan 麝香保心丸麝香保心丸组成人参提取物 27% 麝香 6% 蟾酥 4% 苏合香脂 8% 冰片 19% 牛黄 12% 肉桂 24% 麝香保心丸的功效与作用开窍辟秽,活血止痛。 麝香保心丸主治心区绞痛,憋气胸闷,或卒然昏倒,不省人事,痰浊气厥,中恶暴厥等症。
Shexiang Baoxin Wan (Musk Heart Protecting Pill) Chinese Association of Traditional and Western Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences中国结合医学杂志(英文版)doi:10.1007/bf02935419None
BaoxinwanCLINICALCORONARYDISEASEHEARTANGINAPECTORISShexiangTreatmentforClinical Observation of Shexiang Baoxinwan for Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease with Angina PectorisWANGShou-yin;DAIRui-ho...王受益戴瑞鸿金椿中国结合医学杂志(英文版)
BaoxinwanClinicalCoronaryDiseaseHeartAnginaPectorisShexiangTreatmentforClinical Observation of Shexiang Baoxinwan for Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease with Angina PectorisWANGShou-yin;DAIRui-ho...王受益戴瑞鸿金椿中国结合医学杂志:英文版