这种羊毛的稀缺性(年产量不足全球羊毛总量0.2%)使其成为小众精品市场的宠儿,近年更因可持续时尚潮流复兴,手工纺纱的Shetland Wool制品在独立设计师作品中频繁出现。
Made exclusively from natural fillings: needled British fleece wool, hand-teased real Shetland wool, British fleece wool Finest worsted wool ticking Hand-tied woollen tufts and twine BORDERS Upholstered with protective wool 3 rows of side-stitching Horizontal handles Air vents Overall mattress depth: ...
Shetland Wool Week is a world renowned celebration of Britain’s most northerly native sheep, the Shetland textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands
Shetland wool 美 英 na.设得兰产的细羊毛 网络雪兰毛;设得兰羊毛;雪特兰群岛之羊毛 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 设得兰产的细羊毛
必应词典为您提供shetlandwool的释义,na. 设得兰产的细羊毛; 网络释义: 雪兰毛;设得兰羊毛;雪特兰群岛之羊毛;
This menswear-inspired turtleneck sweater is made from Shetland wool. It has an oversized cut and is accented with the iconic logo lettering.
Immerse yourself in Shetland nature, knitting & history in the Shetland Wool Adventures tours. Or explore the islands from the comfort of your living room, with the Journal.
Shetland wool 英 [ˈʃɛtlənd wʊl] 美 [ˈʃɛtlənd wʊl]网络 设得兰羊毛; 雪兰毛
Shetland Wool 是羊毛纤维中蕞细的一种 寻找SHETLAND WOOL MOON的Shetland系列采用上等100%雪莱毛,色系灵感来源于苏格兰高地的自然色彩,色卡上的颜色每一块都接近大自然的颜色,采用传统的染色工艺和天然泉水染出的纯正色彩,是MOON雪莱毛面料蕞具特色的地方。这样的颜色同时在狩猎过程中,猎人与自然融为一体遵从传统,守护...