白花蛇舌草(Baihuasheshecao)Hedyotidis Herba白花蛇舌草原植物图白花蛇舌草药材图【壮名】Nyarinngoux.【别名】蛇舌草,矮脚白花蛇利草,羊须草,千打捶。【来源】为茜草科植物白花蛇舌草Hedyotis diffusa Willd的全草。【植物形态】草本。茎略带方形或扁圆柱形,基部多分枝。叶对生;叶片线形至线状披针形,长1~3.5...
Authentication of the anti-tumor herb Baihuasheshecao with bioactive marker compounds and molecular sequences Baihuasheshecao ( Hedyotis diffusa), a Chinese herb for cancer treatment, is frequently adulterated by a related species Hedyotis corymbosa. DNA sequencing... L Ming,RW Jiang,PM Hon,......
白花蛇舌草(Baihuasheshecao)Hedyotidis Herba 白花蛇舌草原植物图 白花蛇舌草药材图 【壮名】Nyarinngoux. 【别名】蛇舌草,矮脚白花蛇利草,羊须草,千打捶。 【来源】为茜草科植物白花蛇舌草Hedyotis diffusa Willd的全草。 【植物形态】草本。茎略带方形或扁圆柱形,基部多分枝。叶对生;叶片线形至线状披针形,...
baihuasheshecao 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Clinical Observation on 26 Cases of Malignant Hydroperitoneum Treated by Injecting Baihuasheshecao's Injection into the Abdominal Cavity 白花蛇舌草注射液为主腹腔内注射治疗恶性腹水26例疗效观察 www.ilib.cn©...
caoshe caoshe有哪些 词语词典在线查询:caoshe 共有3个 在线词语词典 词语大全成语首拼 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z 成语组合 词语词性 名词 动词 形容词 副词 拟声词 助词 连词 介词 代词 疑问词 数词 量词 数量词 成语 词语组合 AB式 AA式 AAB式 ABA式 ...
Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica:(Volume I)doi:10.1142/9789814503143_0058Hson-Mou CHANGPaul Pui-Hay BUT
Objective To develop a method for the determination of p- coumaric acid in Baihuasheshecao injection. Methods The ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18column( 2. 1 mm × 50 mm,1. 7 μm) was adopted. The mobile phase consisted of methanol- 0. 3% acetic acid,gradient elution at the flow rate of 0. ...
Objective To explore the curative effect of Baihua Sheshecao injection combined with GP regimen in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and its effect on the patients' immune function. Method 80 patients with advanced NSCLC were enrolled in the study, and were randomized ...
《广西中药志》 为茜草科植物白花蛇舌草的全草。产于福建、广西、广东、云南、浙江、江苏、安徽等省。夏、秋二季采收,洗净。或晒干,切段,生用。 【性能】微苦、甘,寒。归胃、大肠、小肠经。 【功效】清热解毒,利湿通淋。 【应用】 1.痈肿疮毒
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