mother sherwood anderson译文 Mother这个词在英语里就是“母亲、妈妈”的意思。Sherwood Anderson呢,这是个人名,叫舍伍德·安德森。所以“Mother Sherwood Anderson”整体就是“舍伍德·安德森的母亲”。 咱来想象一下啊,假如舍伍德·安德森有个老妈,那会是啥样呢?也许她是个整天唠叨着让安德森多穿点别着凉的慈爱老妈;...
And also like George, his mother died of a disease when Anderson was young. Why is Winesburg, Ohio an important piece of literature? Winesburg, Ohio was written in the earliest decades of the twentieth century and had some notable deviations from what was then considered formal novel writing....
Anderson,(1998,shortstories)Winesburg,Ohio ShortSummaryCharactersMajorthemes ShortSummary 1.Winesburg,Ohiobeginswithasortofprologue,inwhichanoldwriterimaginesallthepeoplehehasknownas"grotesques,"warpedintheirpursuitsofvarioustruths.Aseriesofstoriesensues,eachconcernedwithasingleresidentofWinesburg.Thefirst,entitled"...
Sherwood-Anderson.ppt,The End Thank You! The communion between George Willard and his mother was outwardly a formal thing without meaning.(p.19) “I think you had better be out among the boys. You are too much indoors,” she said, striving to relieve the
It was in the spring of his thirty-fifth year that fathermarried my mother, then a country school-teacher, and in the following spring I came wriggling and crying into the world. Something happenedto the two people. They became ambitious. The American passion forgetting up in the world took...
Mother Teacher, a tall silent woman with a long nose and troubled grey eyes. A serious, responsible and ambitious woman. A good wife and a good mother. The main cause that makes father fail and become tragic, actually she is also a tragedy to some extent. Questions to Think Over 1.Why...
Sherwood Anderson I am a fool分析Paper 1 英语1401姓名:雷宸静学号:08141003 Character Analysis in Sherwood Anderson’sI am a fool 角色分析—舍伍德安德森短篇小说《我是一个傻瓜》 I.The summary ofI am a fool I am a fool is a short story by American writer SherwoodAnderson.It was firstpublished ...
Anderson,(1998,shortstories)Winesburg,Ohio ShortSummaryCharactersMajorthemes ShortSummary 1.Winesburg,Ohiobeginswithasortofprologue,inwhichanoldwriterimaginesallthepeoplehehasknownas"grotesques,"warpedintheirpursuitsofvarioustruths.Aseriesofstoriesensues,eachconcernedwithasingleresidentofWinesburg.Thefirst,entitled"...