Search for a color Explore color families Top 50 ColorsView entire color wall Top 50 Interior Colors Top 50 Exterior Colors Actual color may vary from on-screen representation. Please use your color samples to confirm your paint choices prior to purchase. Have questions about color samples? Visit...
Discover your favorite shades and save them for easy reference. Color Visualizer Upload a photo to see our colors on your wallsbeforeyou paint. Sample Ordering Quickly order FREE color chips or purchase Peel & Stick color samples right from the app....
I have ordered from Samplize a few times and have been pleased with the quality of samples, ease of ordering, and quickness of delivery. I love the ability to move the sample from wall to wall without any damage or having to paint directly onto the wall. The samples are large enough th...
I have ordered from Samplize a few times and have been pleased with the quality of samples, ease of ordering, and quickness of delivery. I love the ability to move the sample from wall to wall without any damage or having to paint directly onto the wall. The samples are large enough th...
I have ordered from Samplize a few times and have been pleased with the quality of samples, ease of ordering, and quickness of delivery. I love the ability to move the sample from wall to wall without any damage or having to paint directly onto the wall. The samples are large enough th...
I have ordered from Samplize a few times and have been pleased with the quality of samples, ease of ordering, and quickness of delivery. I love the ability to move the sample from wall to wall without any damage or having to paint directly...
I have ordered from Samplize a few times and have been pleased with the quality of samples, ease of ordering, and quickness of delivery. I love the ability to move the sample from wall to wall without any damage or having to paint directly onto the wall. The samples are large enough th...
SOOOO much easier than what I've done in the past (buy four small sample sizes, paint rectangles and look at the wall.) I am so glad I did this, as I was dead sure I wanted one color, and I'm going with a color Samplize suggested as being close. Was nervous because people ...
I have ordered from Samplize a few times and have been pleased with the quality of samples, ease of ordering, and quickness of delivery. I love the ability to move the sample from wall to wall without any damage or having to paint directly onto...