Sherlock Holmes Faces Death: Directed by Roy William Neill. With Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Dennis Hoey, Arthur Margetson. During WWII, several murders occur at a convalescent home where Dr. Watson has volunteered his services. He summons Holmes for he
Sherlock Holmes : There's a new spirit abroad in the land. The old days of grab and greed are on their way out. We're beginning to think of what we *owe* the other fellow, not just what we're compelled to give him. The time is coming, Watson, when we shant't be able to fil...
福尔摩斯面对死亡Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943) 导演:Roy William Neill 主演:巴兹尔·雷斯伯恩, 尼格尔·布鲁斯, Dennis Hoey 国家:美国 语言:英语 片长:68 分钟 发行:环球影业公司 类型:悬疑|犯罪|恐怖|剧情 上映:1943年9月17日 美国 简介:二战期间,一所士兵疗养院发生了几起谋杀案,为查明原因,使工作...
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death(1943)中英双语对照字幕歇洛克•福尔摩斯面对死亡为什么跳过了华盛顿那部呢?因为我不想再看福尔摩斯抗德了!!!本片改编自福尔摩斯原著《马斯格雷夫礼典》一则,当然还是进行了大幅修改和原创,开头部分还能看到原著中福尔摩斯用枪在墙上打出字母的描写(也有改编)。最精彩的当属结局BR福典型的千...
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death Sherlock Holmes Faces Death 电影基本资料剧情简介 中文名:Sherlock Holmes Faces Death 英文名: 地区:美国 导演: 罗伊·威廉姆·内尔 主演: 巴兹尔·拉思伯恩 尼格尔·布鲁斯 Dennis Hoey Arthur Margetson 希拉里·布鲁克 Halliwell Hobbes Minna Phillips Milburn Stone Gavin Muir Gerald ...
Sherlock Holmes and the Spider Woman (1944): And Then There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 43 Sherlock Holmes Baffled (1900): Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 202 Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943): The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death (Daniel Pinkwater) 473 ...
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death Reviews1943 1 hr 8 mins Drama, Horror, Suspense NR Watchlist Where to Watch A chessboard is a key to murders at the Musgrave estate. Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Hillary Brooke. Vickery: Milburn Stone. Sexton: Arthur Margetson. Philip: Gavin Muir. Brunton: ...
NEW NAMES- ...for old faces. ('Gibbon Lestrade'...who knew?) ALIASES- Names used by canonical characters during the course of their investigations [WARNING: This section contains story spoilers]. DISGUISES- Things Holmes has dressed up as. INHUMAN...
Sherlock Holmes Faces DeathRoy William Neill
"Enola Holmes," starring Millie Bobby Brown, faces a lawsuit from the estate of Arthur Conan Doyle.