Shexiang Tongxin Dropping Pill (STP) is an established traditional Chinese medicine that is widely used for the treatment of ischemic heart disease (IHD), although its mechanisms remain unclear. The present study investigated the protective effects of STP following pituitrin (PTT)-induced myocardial...
Open-source web app. Built with React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB. - SvitlanaShepitsena/builderbook
男歌手霍尊12日遭交往9年女友陈露爆料劈腿约O,且朋友群组聊天纪录充斥诋毁女性内容,形象一夕全毁。他一日间连续遭2个综艺节目中止合作,昨(14日)深夜以“霍尊文化传播工作室”名义在微博发长文,除了交代事情发生始末外,也宣布告别演艺工作。 ▼ 陈露与霍尊交往8年,最终也是以“毁灭性爆料”令霍尊形象全毁,黯然退...