offers a wide selection of free wallpapers featuring German Shepherds. From playful puppies to majestic adults, these wallpapers capture the beauty and intelligence of this loyal breed. Whether you're looking for a desktop background or a phone wallpaper, you'll find the perfect i...
The shepherd's rod and staff, tools for protection and guidance, reinforce the idea of leadership as both a protective and guiding force. Ezekiel 34:11-24 – The Divine Shepherd and Human Stewardship Ezekiel 34 expands on the theme by contrasting God's role as the divine shepherd with the ...
for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me..." (Psalm 23:1-4, ESV) Some see the Christian life as no fun, somehow constrained and diminished by the restrictions of Jesus' commands. But true disciples realize that only in Jesus' care can they truly flourish. They...
Chapter8:YourrodandYourstaff,theycomfortme ConsidertheversesfromPsalm139:23-24whichstate, “Searchme,OGod,andknowmyheart;testmeandknowmyanxiousthoughts. Seeifthereisanyoffensivewayinme,andleadmeinthewayeverlasting.” KellerreferencesthesesameversesinregardstotheLordusingHisrod.HisrodisHisWordthatisused ...
For Thou art with me; and Thy rod To guide, Thy staff to bear. Nay, Thou dost make me sit and dine, Ev’n in my enemies sight: My head with oyl, my cup with wine Runnes over day and night. Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love Shall measure all my dayes; And as it never shall...