Get information on Shepherd High School in Shepherd, MI including enrollment, state testing assessments and student body breakdown.
Shepherd Middle School Grades: 6-8Distance: 5.5 mi 3/10 Shepherd High School Grades: 9-12Distance: 5.9 mi Schools provided by the listing agent Elementary: Shepherd Primary School Middle: Shepherd Middle School High: Shepherd High School District: 130 - Shepherd Source: HAR. This data may not...
The new book for middle-school kids chronicles the achievements of a civil rights leader who opened many doors for Black Milwaukeeans. Feb. 12, 2025 David Luhrssen Milwaukee History Modern Voices at Early Music Now ModernMedieval Voices created a quiet, inward space that is rare in our modern...
Good Shepherd Lutheran School is a private school located in Burton, MI. The student population of Good Shepherd Lutheran School is 21. The school’s student-teacher ratio is 7:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A Financial Aid Available N/A Financial Aid N/A * Tui...
Jan 20 Boys 7th Grade Basketball vs. St. Louis High School St Louis 5:00 pm | Shepherd Middle School Jan 20 Boys 8th Grade Basketball vs. St. Louis High School St Louis 6:00 pm | Shepherd Middle School Jan 21 Boys JV Bowling vs. Invitational @ Riverwood 4:00 pm | Riverwood Jan 21...
High School: SHEPHERD HIGH SCHOOL High School District: 130 - Shepherd Middle School: SHEPHERD MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle or Junior School District: 130 - Shepherd Nearby schoolsElementaryMiddleHigh 5105 out of 10 Shepherd Intermediate School Grades 3-5 |1.4 mi away |415 students | 0 reviews 5105 out...
Shepherd H S1 Pirate Ln, ShepherdShepherd Independent School DistrictGrades: 9 - 1250Shepherd Int420 Railroad Ave, ShepherdShepherd Independent School DistrictGrades: 3 - 522Shepherd Middle1401 S Byrd Ave, ShepherdShepherd Independent School DistrictGrades: 6 - 822Shepherd Pri10300 Hwy 150, ShepherdShe...
District: Mount Pleasant City School Distr This data may not be complete. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home. 6/10 Shepherd Elementary School Grades:K-5 Distance:7.8 mi 7/10 Shepherd Middle School ...
Contact the school or district directly to verify enrollment eligibility. RatingSchool nameGradesTypeStudentsReviewsDistance 2 public Great Schools Ratings are based on student performance on state tests, progress over time, and college readiness, in addition to how effectively schools serve students from...
Private, JewishPK, KG-8 Distance: 3.56mi Students: 273 Torah High School Of San Diego Private, Jewish, Girls9-12 Distance: 4.18mi Students: 37 Small Map Load more schools when map is moved P P P P P P P P P P +− Ranking: E = Elementary, M = Middle, H = High, ...