1)Shenshuaining肾衰宁 1.Study on Preparation Process and Pharmacodynamics of Shenshuaining Dispersible Tablets, a Traditional Chinese Medicine;中药肾衰宁分散片的剂型改革与药效学研究 2.Objective To study the effect of Shenshuaining(SSN),a traditional chinese herbal medicine,on fibronectin (FN),laminin...
标题:肾衰宁胶囊 拼音名:ShenshuainingJiaonang 标准编号:WS3-B-2540-97 【处方】 太子参 250g 黄连 100g 半夏(制) 250g 陈皮100g 茯苓 200g 大黄 400g 丹参700g 牛膝 200g 红花 100g 甘草100g 【制法】 以上十味,取大黄200g粉碎成细粉,另200g照流浸膏剂与浸膏剂项下的渗漉法(附录Ⅰ O),用70%...
1) Shenshuaining pellet 肾衰宁颗粒 例句>> 2) Shenning granules 肾宁颗粒 1. Determination of astragaloside Ⅳ inShenning granulesby TLCS; 薄层扫描法测定肾宁颗粒中黄芪甲苷的含量 2. Objective To establish a method for the identification of herbs i nShenning granules. ...
The invention relates to a fingerprint detection method for Shenshuaining granule. The detection method employs HPLC for detection, and comprises the following steps: a, determining chromatographic condition; b, preparing a tested object solution; and c, establishing fingerprint. The chromatographic ...
shenshuainingjiaonang 肾衰宁胶囊肾衰宁胶囊组成太子参 250克 黄连 100克 法半夏 250克 陈皮 100克 茯苓 200克 大黄 400克 丹参 700克 牛膝 200克 红花 100克 甘草 100克 肾衰宁胶囊的功效与作用益气健脾,活血化瘀,通腑泄浊。 肾衰宁胶囊主治...
肌酐升高 我爸爸是6月27日凌晨两点,小肚子部位腹痛,胃部疼痛,坐立不... 现在服用肾衰宁颗粒,每天大便5次左右,因流质食用,大便呈水状,服用后肠胃咕噜响、引发腹痛。 想咨询杨...(对话数21)2022.07.07 杨志凯北京大学第一医院 肾病内科 病情描述:肌酐升高 ...
The invention provides a method for preparing Shenshuaining preparations with a polymeric flocculation and precipitation technology. The method specifically comprises the following steps of: preparing the following bulk drugs: Radix Pseudostellariae, Coptis, prepared pinellia tuber, tangerine peel, Poria ...