网络神女 网络释义 1. 神女 神女(Shen Nu) - The Goddess (1934) english subtitlesby the87iswan 69 views 1:05:46 婚约三羽乌 (Kon'yaku samba-garasu) …|基于7个网页
1) Shennu Feng at Taihang Mountain 太行神女峰2) Goddess Peak 《神女峰》 1. Interrogate the Female Fate——Humane Concern Embodied in Shu Ting s Poem Goddess Peak; 女性命运的深切拷问——以《神女峰》为例论舒婷诗的人文关怀 更多例句>> ...
In this paper,by study on karst speleothems of Shennu cave in the Qingjiang river region using geomagnetism methods,several judgements about formation environment of these speleothems are gained,as follows:①They came into being in early or middle Pleistocene. 通过对清江神女洞岩溶沉积物的磁学研究...
1. Preliminary Research on Tourism Planning of Shennu Stream Scenic Spots in Wushan County; 巫山县神女溪景区旅游规划刍议2) Shennongxi 神农溪 1. Findings from the tourist guides in Shennongxi scenic spot of Badong,Hubei province show that protecting national culture plays a significant role ...
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神弩[ shén nǔ ] ⒈ 具有神威的弓弩。 ⒉ 喻指精锐士兵。 引证解释 ⒈ 具有神威的弓弩。 引《晋书·舆服志》:“但以神弩二十张夹道,至后部鼓吹,其五张神弩置一将,左右各二将。” ⒉ 喻指精锐士兵。 引清 夏燮 《中西纪事·海疆殉难记上》:“俄顷, 高重捷 之孤军势无后继……神弩力尽重围。”近...
It is well known that, along the Wu Gorge, there are twelve unique peaks. Among them, the most prominent one is the Shennu Peak.
神弩 首页>汉语词典 《神弩》 词语神弩 拼音shén nǔ注音ㄕㄣˊㄋㄨˇ 解释1.具有神威的弓弩。 2更多:喻指精锐士兵。 其它“神”字典“弩”字典