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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Shennongji a is said to be the place36where Yan Di once lived. Some visitors hope that they may even encounter the legendary wild men in the remote mountains and virgin(原始状态的) forests. They do not37 actually((actual) s...
七选五It is said that Shennongji a is the place where the mythical Emperor Yan once lived.In the remote mountains and primary forests,many visitors wish to encounter the legendary yeren ( wild man), also called Bigfoot. 1.Instead, they are attracted by Shennongjia's rich biodiversity and ...
Cueipingyan is a hamlet in Shennong Village, Dashe District, Kaohsiung. Cueipingyan is situated nearby to the hamlet Sangongliao, as well as near Gongguan.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapNotable Places in the AreaE-da World Theme Park Theme park Photo: SSR2000, CC BY-SA 3.0. The E...
神农架位于湖北省西北部,以其丰富的自然资源和神秘的原始森林吸引着无数游客。它不仅是野生动物的天堂, 如金丝猴和白熊猫的家园,亦是一个充满历史和文化传说的地方。天燕景区是神农架的重要组成部分,以其壮丽的自然 风景和独特的地貌特征闻名。知名的天燕栈道、燕子窝等都是游客们竞相造访的热点旅游目的地。
体裁:说明文子主题:湖北神农架难度:★★★(2024河北邢台五校质检)Shennongji a is said to be the place 1 Yan Di once lived. Some visitors hope that they may even encounter the legendary wild men in the remote mountains and virgin(原始状态的)forests. They do not 2 (actual) see any wild man...
微信公众号 微信小程序 潮汕艺人,Artist Z-张敏娜 1704 视频 G-光头司令 1704 视频 Z-郑志立 1704 视频 S-思小俊 1704 视频 F-方育琪 1704 视频 F-方展荣 1704 视频 C-庄文妮 1704 视频 潮图设计,Design 潮汕英歌舞“小时迁”,成为吉祥物! 潮汕文化 ...
角色 饰演者介绍 最新剧情类角色 1、秋霜角色 2、热血青春角色 3、一见倾心角色 4、活宝萌爸角色 5、摩登家庭第四季角色 6、不良仔与眼镜妹角色 7、心的约束角色 8、抗争第二季角色 9、19岁的纯情角色 10、卫兵角色 剧情类角色月榜 1、五妹角色 2、意难忘角色 3、妈妈呀姐姐呀角色 4、昨夜星辰角色 5、...