The purpose of this network pharmacology research is to better understand the molecular mechanism of action of Shengyang Yiwei Decoction (SYD) in the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology (TCMSP) was first searched for information on the chemical...
Shengyang Yiwei Decoctiondiarrheadiabetesinsomnia升阳益胃汤出自《脾胃论》,功能健脾益气、化湿升阳。李东垣设此方用于治疗"脾胃气虚,怠惰嗜卧,四肢不收……口苦舌干... 祁宏 - 《上海中医药杂志》 被引量: 0发表: 2007年 基于数据挖掘分析《脾胃论》用药组方规律 【目的】基于数据挖掘分析李东垣《脾胃论》用药...
The Curative Effect of Chronic Diarrhea after Esophagectomy by Shengyang Yiwei Decoction(升阳益胃汤): A Clinical Study University,,.The Curative Effect of Chronic Diarrhea after Esophagectomy by Shengyang Yiwei Decoction(升阳益胃汤): A Clinical Study.[J];中医药导报,2016-... H Liu,J Huang,XB...
升阳补胃汤(《压学入门》)由人参、黄芪、甘草、白术、当归、升麻、柴胡、桂枝、芍药、羌活、葛根、防风、独活、生地黄、牡丹皮构成。功能益气养血。主治肠澼下血,血出如梭。 升阳益胃汤方源 《脾胃论》
shengyangyiweitang 升阳益胃汤升阳益胃汤组成柴胡 12克 白芍 15克 党参 10克 白术 12克 黄芪 18克 黄连 6克 半夏 10克 陈皮 12克 茯苓 12克 泽泻 12克 防风 10克 羌活 8克 独活 8克 炙甘草 10克 生姜 10克 大枣 10克 ...
( yiweishengyangtang ) 别名:升阳益胃汤 益胃升阳汤 主治: 益气升阳,养血调经。治妇人经候不调,经来量多,色黑有块,大便水泄,日二三次,饮食减少,食罢烦心,身体消瘦。 处方: 柴胡升麻各1.5克 炙甘草当归身(酒洗)陈皮各3克 人参(去芦)炒神曲各4.5克 黄耆6克 白术9克 生黄芩少许 用法用量: 上药哎咀。每...
1.Influence of Shengyang Yiwei decoction on somatostatin in patients of type 2 diabetic gastroparesis;升阳益胃汤对2型糖尿病胃轻瘫患者生长抑素的影响 英文短句/例句 1.Objective: The discussion rises positive to benefit the stomachsoup to gather the ventral massage treatment stomach sagging theclinical...
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of Shengyang Yiwei Decoction (SYD) combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants on the total score and scores of factors of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and somatic symptoms in patients with...
Objective: To observe the effect of Shengyang Yiwei Decoction on chronic diarrhea after esophagectomy. Methods: The 46 patients with chronic diarrhea after esophagectomy were randomly divided into two groups, 23 in each. The patients were treated with Shengyang Yiwei Decoction in treatment group and...
(0.5 mg/kg)]was added until the patient was sedated again.The patients in the treatment group began to take the preventive intervention of Modified ShengYangYiwei decoction one week before the examination,while the patients in the control group received routine gastrointestinal endoscopy.The patients...