shengdianshengdian的同音词,近音词及组词语有:盛典、升殿、焺点、圣典、圣殿.shengdian中文含义解释:下表包含 shengdian 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“shengdian组词语” 5 个 盛典 shèng diǎn ⒈ 大规模的、隆重的仪式。[查看详情] 1 升殿 shēng diàn ⒈ 登殿。[查看详情] 2 ...
shengdian shēng diǎn焺点 shèng diàn圣殿 shèng diǎn盛典 shēng diàn升殿 shèng diǎn圣典 shengdian shengdian有哪些 词语词典在线查询:shengdian 共有5个 在线词语词典 词语大全
Shengdian the company inheriting the concept transcendence,emphasizes the pragmatic and innovation.We are striving to create a top brand in sanitary industry,integrating the design,manufacturing,marketing and trading. We have complete framework of production line,professional team,and advanced production eq...
Shenzhen Shengdian Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd. is a well-known SMT peripheral equipment manufacturer in China, is a set of design, research and development, production, installation, commissioning, sales and after-sales service as one of the SMT pe
ABOUT USBrand Production structure Home page ABOUT Brand Shengdian the company inheriting the concept transcendence,emphasizes the pragmatic and innovation.We are striving to create a top brand in sanitary industry,integrating the design,manufacturing,marketing and trading. We have complete framework...
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商标名称 圣点装饰;SHENGDIAN DECORATION 国际分类 第42类-网站服务 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 6220683 申请日期 2007-08-14 申请人名称(中文) 北京圣点世纪装饰工程有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 北京市西城区黄寺大街甲23号院1号楼北广大厦708室(德胜园区) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审...