(zhen zheng)嚣张(qi xiao)宴会(yanyà)堂倌(guan wan)侍候(chi shi)挽着(wanwǎn)镶嵌(rang xiang)浙江(zhézhe)一簇(cùzù)突兀(wùWu)棉絮(sùxù)黝黑(youyǒu)扭身(liúniǔ)笤帚(tiao shao)铺陈(chen cheng)裤褂(guāguà)趴在(bāpa)门槛(kǎnlǎn)枪栓(quan shuan)推搡(rǎngsǎng)神圣(shen...
t tu wn wan yo shen shen ge bo tiao yi tio踢踢腿,弯弯腰,伸伸胳膊跳一跳;bi shong yan jing shen hū x zao shong kong q zhen shi hoo闭上眼睛深呼吸,早上空气真是好。1.选择合适的动词填空。 (只写序号)①弯弯2闭上③伸伸④踢踢()腿(0)腰()胳膊()眼睛2.我们做早操,也来凑热闹。3.小...
The Civil August Emperor had nine sons: August Empress Zhen beget the Bright Emperor, Noble Lady Li beget the Pitied Prince of Zan; [Cao] Xie, Pretty Lady Pan beget the Grieved Prince of Beihai; [Cao] Rui, Pretty Lady Zhu beget the Cherished Prince of Dongwuyang; [Cao] Jian, Lady...
The Civil August Emperor had nine sons: August Empress Zhen beget the Bright Emperor, Noble Lady Li beget the Pitied Prince of Zan; [Cao] Xie, Pretty Lady Pan beget the Grieved Prince of Beihai; [Cao] Rui, Pretty Lady Zhu beget the Cherished Prince of Dongwuyang; [Cao] Jian, Lady...
整体认读音节 yuan yin yun d→an→dan t→an→tan n→an→nan zh→en→zhen ch→en →chen sh→en→shen两拼音节b→in→bin p→in →pin m→in→min j→ün→jun q→ün →qun x→ün→xun g→u→an→guan k→u→an→kuan h→u→an→huan三拼音节jü→u→an→juan q→ü→an→quan x...
shi shen me yong zi de 2.是什么样子的? ②、 填一填。 (把句子补充完整) wǒ de xiǎo nào zhòng xíng zhuàng shì 我的小闹 钟形状是 de IT mion you bioo zhen 的,里面有 表针 to mei tion 它每天 都 jiào wǒ qǐ chuáng ràng wǒ shàng xué bù 叫我起床,让我上学不 yi doo ...
shǎo (sh ǎ o) yān yuè chū yú dōng shān zhī shàng 少(sh ǎ o) 焉 月 出 于东 山 之 上 pái huái yú dòu (d ǒ u) niú zhī jiān 徘 徊 于斗 (d ǒ u) 牛 之 间 bái lù héng jiāng shuǐ guāng jiē tiān ...
ZhenhangTung / taro zhiqingchen / taro zhoujianlin8 / taro zhuomingliang / taro zhuwenxuan / taro zhuyc / taro zivwang / taro zjsxwc / taro zonghuaj / taro zsytssk / taro newsky / taro ztl8702 / taro zuoge85 / taro zwwtj2014 / taro ...
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