The necklace is versatile, suitable for both men and women, and can be worn on various occasions, from casual outings to religious festivals like the Jewish feast of Pentecost. It's a gift that carries the hebrew meaning of wisdom and strength, making it a cherished keepsake for years to ...
scholars to understand and master let alone others who do not have a background in Jewish Law let alone a mastery of the Hebrew Language written in its cryptic format. After 500 years, thousands throughout the world have access to understand the code of JEWISH LAW in English, Hebrew and ...
Shema Yisrael jewelry, pendants and necklaces handmade in Israel. Hear, O Israel prayer is Shema Israel in Hebrew.
scholars to understand and master let alone others who do not have a background in Jewish Law let alone a mastery of the Hebrew Language written in its cryptic format. After 500 years, thousands throughout the world have access to understand the code of JEWISH LAW in English, Hebrew and ...
A beautiful and unique black leather bracelet engraved with the "Shema Yisrael" in Hebrew. Silver-colored enclosure. A special gift item! Treat yourself and your loved ones! Our Price ₪40 Quantity+ Quantity - Lowest price on the Internet - guaranteed!
The Hebrew word is nephesh. It occurs over 700 times in the Old Testament. The common English translation of this word is soul, and that's kind of unfortunate. Here’s why. The English word soul comes with lots of baggage from ancient Greek philosophy. It’s the idea that the soul is...
But the main thing is, the word LORD in all capital letters is an indication of the divine name. Don’t confuse it with the word Lord in your English translations that’s not in all capital letters. That’s the actual Hebrew word adon, which just means “lord” or “master.” This ...
The app takes the child through the typical bedtime routine and ends with the child saying Shema in bed with the app. Boy or Girl, there are settings for both! You can flush the toilet, brush your teeth, shut the lights, cover your eyes, and then say the Shema. This app was dedicate...
The app takes the child through the typical bedtime routine and ends with the child saying Shema in bed with the app. Boy or Girl, there are settings for both! You can flush the toilet, brush your teeth, shut the lights, cover your eyes, and then say the Shema. This app was dedicate...