脚本:https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/gen2/Scripts/ShellyScriptLanguageFeatures/ 广泛的集成:该设备可以与第三方家庭系统集成,记录的HTTP API, MQTT(s), HTTP和HTTPS上的Web hook, UDP 调度:允许在预定义的时间窗口内调度复杂的操作。用户可以根据日期、星期、星期、小时、分钟和秒来指定时间窗口。 Wi-Fi...
Sensor (Shelly Window/Door Node 1/2, Shelly Flood, Shelly H&T, Shelly Motion 1/2 ) The node is able to poll a shelly window/door, motion, gas, ... sensor. It outputs the sensor status together with battery and sensor values on every change sensor status. Note that some sensors slee...