1 字符串转数组string—to——array string="0-1-step.sh 0-2-step.sh 0-3-step.sh 0-4-step.sh 0-5-step.sh 0-6-step.sh 0-7-step.sh 0-8-step.sh 0-9-step.sh 0-10-step.sh 0-11-step.sh 0-12-step.sh 0-13-step.sh"array=(`echo$string'| tr'''`)serverNumber=`echo"${...
shell:字符串转数组(tr的⽤法)1 字符串转数组string—to——array string="0-1-step.sh 0-2-step.sh 0-3-step.sh 0-4-step.sh 0-5-step.sh 0-6-step.sh 0-7-step.sh 0-8-step.sh 0-9-step.sh 0-10-step.sh 0-11-step.sh 0-12-step.sh 0-13-step.sh " array=(`echo $...
the concerned "large string into array" needs to be loaded into memory somehow with could be taken as a part of your final solution where you might ask yourself whether you could just stream it using the sophisticatedPowerShell Pipeline. Knowing that this will...
The .TocharArray() function copies the characters of the string into the Unicode character array. .As I mentioned above, PowerShell can access all types of Microsoft.Net framework; hence we can use this function within the PowerShell script. Now, for example, we want to convert the string i...
read -a arrayname把单词清单读入arrayname的数组里。 read -p prompt打印提示,等待输入,并将输入存储在REPLY中。 read -r line允许输入包含反斜杠。 见下面的示例(绿色高亮部分的文本为控制台手工输入信息): /> read answer #等待读取输入,直到回车后表示输入完毕,并将输入赋值给变量answer ...
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{})来引用array=(red green blue)forcolor in${array[@]};doecho$colordone# 遍历一个文件中的每一行并输出每一行,使用read命令来读取文件内容,使用<符号来重定向文件输入whilereadline;doecho$linedone< file.txt# 遍历一个命令的输出结果并输出每一行,使用read命令来读取命令输出,使用<符号和反引号(`)或...
string="hello,shell,split,test"array=(${string//,/ })forvarin${array[@]}doecho$vardone 当然也可以读单个 ${array[0]}、 ${array[1]}、…… 方法二说明 自定义IFS变量, 改变分隔符, 对字符串进行切分 Shell 脚本中有个变量叫 IFS(Internal Field Seprator) ,内部域分隔符。完整定义是The shell...
Converting String to Character array. Requirement Convert string to ASCII Error **Cannot convert value "" to type "System.Char". Error: "String must be exactly one character long." ** Code Used 'String' -split '' | %{[int][char]$_} ...
string="abcd"echo ${#string}#输出为:4 5.5. 提取子字符串 以下实例从字符串第2个字符开始截取4个字符: 代码语言:javascript 复制 root@vultr:~# string="abcdefghijklmn"root@vultr:~# echo ${string:1:4}bcde 如果是从第一个字符开始截取,第一个数字应该是0 ...