方法1:(split分割) 语法:split [-<行数>][-b <字节>][-C <字节>][-l <行数>][要切割的文件][输出文件名] # gunzip log.txt.gz //一定要先解压,否则分割的文件是不能cat/zcat显示; # wc -l log.txt //计算一个文件的总行数; 208363 log.txt # split -l 120000 log.txt newlog //通过...
cd /tmp; split -b 300k /etc/services services ll -k services* 7.5参数代换:xargs xargs [-0epn] command xargs命令的选项及参数解析: -0:将输入的stdin含有特殊字符如`、\、空格等时,可以将这些特殊字符还原成一般字符;-e:这是EOF(end of file)的意思,当xargs分析到指定的字符时,就会停止工作;-p:在...
#!/bin/sh gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFile=- -sDEVICE=pnmraw $@ NOTE If a line in your shell script gets too long for your text editor, you can split it up with a backslash ( ). For example, you can alter the preceding script as follows: 注意:如果你的Shell脚本中...
简介:正则表达式、find介绍、grep介绍、awk介绍、sed介绍、合并与分割(sort、uniq、join、cut、paste、split)。 正则表达式 概念:一种用来描述文本模式的特殊语法 由普通字符(例如:字符a到z),以及特殊字符(元字符,如/ * ?等)组成匹配的字符串 文本过滤工具在某种模式之下,都支持正则表达式。
split-operator: dash split dash: one of - (U+002D) EnDash character (U+2013) EmDash character (U+2014) Horizontal bar character (U+2015) 描述:一元-split 运算符拆分由 一元表达式指定的一个或多个字符串,并在一个受约束的 1 维字符串数组中返回其子部分。 它将任何连续的空格字符组视为连续子...
creplace -csplit -eq -ge -gt -icontains -ieq -ige -igt -ile -ilike -ilt -imatch -in -ine -inotcontains -inotlike -inotmatch -ireplace -is -isnot -isplit -join -le -like -lt -match -ne -notcontains -notin -notlike -notmatch -replace -shl* -shr -split format-operator: ...
Same as all the answers here, but using StreamReader/StreamWriter to split on new lines (line by line, instead of trying to read the whole file into memory at once). This approach can split big files in the fastest way I know of. Note: I do very little error checking, so I can'...
#split test$sw = new-object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch$sw.Start()$filename = "C:\Users\...
The chunking option causes the the data from each table to be split and written to multiple chunk files. If this option is set to false, table data is written to a single file. If the chunking option is set to true, but a table to be dumped cannot be chunked (for example if it do...