shell script应该就是脚本吧,脚本也是一种程序,只不过没有UI而已,运行在Unix/Linux shell上。 shell也有很多种(e.g., Bourne Shell,C Shell, Z Shell)就像操作系统也不是单由一家公司开发, Win,Macos,Unix/Linux。我的电脑用的zsh bash开源免费为了取代Bourne Shell(sh)而生 zsh是最新的,相对bash有更多的fe...
Shell Scriptingis an open-source computer program designed to be run by the Unix/Linux shell. Shell Scripting is a program to write a series of commands for the shell to execute. It can combine lengthy and repetitive sequences of commands into a single and simple script that can be stored ...
/bin/bash这行指定了你的程序将使用那个解释器,基本上是将路径引用到解释器。Linux/Unix中有很多解释器,其中一些是:bash,zsh,sh,csh和ksh等。 这里推荐一个玩命令行必须知道的一个开源项目oh-my-zsh All the best people in life seem to like LINUX. — Steve Wozniak 查看你的系统中有那些脚本解释器 ca...
$ /home/sathiya/scriptfile If you have the shebang, then it will be executed using the command interpreter specified in the shebang. If you are beginner in shell scripting, refer our earlier articleShell Script Execution Guidelines for Newbies 2. Execute Shell SCript by Specifying the Interprete...
Java JavatechnologiesJavatechnologies Unix/LinuxOSUnix/LinuxOS Apache+Tomcat/Websphere/WeblogicWebApache+Tomcat/Websphere/WeblogicWebServerServer Oracle/Sybase/DB2/Mysql Database Oracle / Sybase / DB2 / Mysql Database JSP scripting (Java Server Page) and Servelet JSP scripting (Java Server Page) and...
echo "Shell Scripting Is Fun!" } myFunc # call 函数参数传递 和脚本一样,也可以给函数传递参数完成特殊的任务,第一个参数存储在变量$1中,第二个参数存储在变量$2中...,$@存储所有的参数,参数之间使用空格分割myFunc param1 param2 param3 ... ...
本文为Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial (LSST) v2.0学习记录 第二章:开始shell脚本编程 本章节学习目标: 编写你第一个shell 程序 理解创建一个shell脚本的步骤 2.1 Bash shell(全称Bourne again shell) 有关bash的创建历史(来自维基百科): Bourne shell是一个交互式的shell,由AT&T实验室的史蒂夫在1977年发布,位于大...
UNIX is an ever green technology which is used by millions of IT people Using day-by-day. So learning UNIX lot more opportunities in IT industries. Course Duration Information This Unix/Linux Shell scripting training is for 25 hours.