if-statement-bash-scripting-example Nested if Statement If 语句和 else 语句可以嵌套在 bash 脚本中。
我們可以在 condition 語句內使用一般 PowerShell。 PowerShell if(Test-Path-Path$Path) Test-Path會傳$true回 或$false執行時。 這也適用於傳回其他值的命令。 PowerShell if(Get-ProcessNotepad* ) 它會評估為 是否有傳回的進程,$false如果沒有, 則評估$true為 。 使用管線表達式或其他PowerShell語句非常有...
if语句执行的第一步是计算括号中的表达式。 如果计算结果为$true,则执行大括号中的scriptblock。 如果值为$false,则会跳过该脚本块。 在上面的示例中,if语句仅计算$condition变量。 其计算结果为$true,将在脚本块内执行Write-Output命令。 在某些语言中,可以在if语句后放置一行代码,它将会得以执行。 在 PowerSh...
Scripting has been a powerful tool for Unix administrators for a long time. Windows administrators have had fewer and less capable options for automating administrative processes until the introduction of PowerShell. There are a great many sites providing quality information on using PowerShell to au...
This feature helps you to avoid scripting errors that occur when a command that expects a collection gets fewer than two items.The following example shows that a variable that contains no objects has a Count and Length of 0.PowerShell Copy ...
If, however, $condition is False, the trap will Break. This exits the current scope and passes the original exception up to the parent. From the shell's view, that means line 19 produced an exception, which is trapped by line 1. The Continue keyword forces the shell to resume on line...
One of the great features of Windows PowerShell is that it can help you explore an object's capabilities. With older scripting technologies, if I didn't know that the InternetExplorer object has a Navigate method, I'd be forced to look that information up using some sort of external refere...
Shell scripting What is Shell? Shell is responsible to read the command provided by the user. Shell will check if the command is valid or not. Shell will check if the command is properly used or not. If everything is ok, the shell will interpret that command into kernel understandable for...
Checking errors with New-PSdrive Checking for the existence of multiple folders simultaneously. Is there a more elegant way? Checking if a Windows server is up and available to logon Checking if files exist from a csv checking the Condition continuously whether the service is stopped or not Clea...
complete can now be given multiple --condition options. They will be attempted in the order they were given, and only if all succeed will the completion be made available (as if they were connected with &&). This helps with caching - fish’s complete system stores the return value of eac...