1 Wait for command to complete before executing next command in powershell 0 Wait for process to end 1 Wait for a script to finish 13 How can I make PowerShell wait until a command is complete before proceeding? 7 How do I make Powershell wait until a command is done before cont...
就会执行commands命令 trap '' 信号 # 忽略信号的操作 trap '-' 信号 # 恢复原信号的操作 trap -p # 列出自定义信号操作 trap finish EXIT #当脚本退出时.执行finish函数,当然这个"finish"这个名字可以自定义
`set -o <command>` // 启用command命令,如`set -o history`表示启用命令的history记录功能,history这个命令功能在交互式shell中默认是开启的。 set +o <command>// 关闭command命令,如set +o history表示关闭history日志记录功能,这在外部黑客入侵机器时经常会使用这个命令。 `set -e` // 等同于set -o err...
for m in "${mode[@]}" do "$perlExecutablePath" "$perlScriptFilePath" --owner "$j" -rel "$i" -m "$m" & done This runs each command in the background, so it doesn't wait for one command to finish before the next one starts. An alternative would be to l...
Shell 脚本(shell script),是一种为shell编写的脚本程序。 二、shell运行环境和运行方式 1、shell编程和java、php等一样。只需要一个文本编辑器和解释工具即可。 linux的shell太多,常见的有: Bourne Shell (/usr/bin/sh或/bin/sh) 在linux下:/bin/sh ...
omitted, it behaves as if it evaluates to 1. Exit Status: Returns the status of the last command executed. [root@centos7 ~]# 格式1:forNAME [inWORDS ... ] ;doCOMMANDS;donefor变量名in列表;do循环体donefor变量名in列表do循环体done执行机制: ...
If the process finishes before the 10 minute window is up, the script will note how long the timer had to wait for the process to finish. From there the script will immediately continue on its merry way to the call to the SETUP.EXE (or whatever...
"scriptExecutionMode": "-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted", "scriptPath": "MapDrive.ps1", "showWindow": true, "runInVirtualEnvironment": false, "waitForScriptToFinish": true, "timeout":10 } } ] } 02:46 PM First, it would help to know what version of the PSF (or what version of tooling...
For example, create a PowerShell script that does advanced device configurations. Then, upload the script to Intune, assign the script to a Microsoft Entra group, and run the script. You can then monitor the run status of the script from start to finish....
Invoke-Command -Session $<name of session variable> -Scriptblock {Import-Module <Path_To_Xaml_File>} For example, the following command imports theInstall-RoleandSet-Roleworkflows into the workflow server session. Invoke-Command $WFServer {Import-Module -Path D:\Temp\Install-Role.xaml, D:\Te...