TFACTL provides a command-line and shell interface to Oracle Trace File Analyzer commands for: Administration Summary and analysis Diagnostic collection Thetfactlcommands that you can run depends on your access level. You needrootaccess orsudoaccess totfactlto run administration commands. Run a subse...
Looks up a localized string similar to Create Archive.AzureVMDscInvalidConfigurationDataFile Looks up a localized string similar to The configuration data must be a .psd1 file.AzureVMDscParsingConfiguration Looks up a localized string similar to Parsing configuration script: {0}.Azure...
The Shell Script adapter allows you to create a set of actions that perform basic provisioning functions such as creating, updating, deleting, and retrieving user accounts. Each of these actions is defined in a shell script. The Shell Script adapter works by running resource actions as a UNIX ...
copy all files to other hosts for ip in $(<"${HOSTS_FILE}"); do if [ "x$ip" != "x" ]; then echo --- TMP_SCRIPT=${SCRIPT_PREFIX}.$ # check known_hosts val=$(ssh-keygen -F "${ip}") if [ "x$val" == "x" ]; then echo "$ip not in $SSH_DIR/known_hosts,...
In the case below, the screen recording shows an error when trying to execute the SQL query. It also shows the MySQL optimizer trace that explains why the upload fails. In this case the usage of the STD() aggregation functions is not yet supported by the HeatWave engine. The SQL query...
free命令 : free查看内存和swap使用情况,关注最后一列的available ,这个数字是真正剩余的物理内存大小。 注意:直接执行free,单位是k或者字节 free -m #以兆为单位 free -k #显示的是默认的单位 监控Linux系统状态的命令4 :iostat iostat监控磁盘 : iostat /sar—> yum install -y systat ...
Repository files navigation README Android™ Debug Bridge (adb) The Swiss Army Knife for Android Your Journey to Mastering adb shell Begins Here I have created customized scripts specifically for activities, and I am confident that you will find them useful. Here is an example script that speci...
As part of this development, the following auxiliary functions were added to themysqlmodule: mysql.parseStatementAst(sql): returns AST encoded as a JSON structure. mysql.splitScript(script): returns a string containing multiple statements.
Paste Traceback/Error Below (if applicable) Internal Console report: Uncaught ReferenceError: spyder_terminal is not defined Uncaught ReferenceError: spyder_terminal is not defined Uncaught ReferenceError: spyder_terminal is not defined Uncaught ReferenceError: spyder_terminal is not defined Uncaught Reference...
(Bug #34517691) • When parsing SQL script, MySQL Shell did not account for the sql_mode current session value NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES and escaped all backslashes. (Bug #34488296) • It was not possible to USE a schema with a single quote (') in its name. (Bug #34334556) • MySQL...