From script chaos to automation in a smart way. A powerful platform is the best choice for this. ScriptRunner provides a no-code web UI, flexible queries, a script library and much more. Find out which smart functions you like the most. ...
Run script from URL, including public or private github repositories! required() { which docker||{echo"Error: Docker is not installed";exit1;}$0docker/install_check#Easily run an online script.}online() {echo"🌐 Find online? (y/n)";readCHOICE&&[[$CHOICE=[yY] ]]||(echo"Cancelled";...
steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup PowerShell module cache id: cacher uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: "~/.local/share/powershell/Modules" key: ${{ runner.os }}-SqlServer-PSScriptAnalyzer - name: Install required PowerShell modules if: steps.cacher.outputs.cache...
Shells Choose your base shell. Command-Line Productivity Search, bookmarks, multiplexing, and other tools that make your terminal experience more productive. snips- Command line tool to manage snippets of code. Customization Custom prompts, color themes, etc. ...
Sample scripts online A bug in ISE Desktop automation: towards code simplicity. Part 3 Desktop automation: towards code simplicity. Part 2 Java SWT apps official support Desktop automation: towards code simplicity. Part 1 Categories Daily automation ...
Mistikist 的所有可用安全性與合規性資訊、其數據處理原則、其Microsoft Cloud App Security 應用程式目錄資訊,以及 CSA STAR 登錄中的安全性/合規性資訊。
gitlab-runner-windows-amd64.exe exec shell start everything is working fine, but when i tried to use it online, got error: Executing "step_script" stage of the job script $ echo "Hello world" Hello world $ echo $TEST_DIR C:\xxx\gitlab-runner\builds\xxx\0\xxx\tools\xxx-test\projec...
Summary Adding traps to the CI script should ensure those will get executed. With Gitlab CI there seems to be an...
ChallengeRunner проверка.it —общиеконтрольныесписки Checklist as a Service Курант V5 Chronus CI-Out-of-Office Lite CI-Out-of-Office Manager CI-Xt-365 Вызов Cisco Cisco Webex Meetings Клари Класс Classified Listing CLASSUM Clerk...
production runner (as Axel Kremer) Jackie Kroopf ... coordinator: physical production David Lancaster ... stand- in Cameron Langdon ... unit assistant Sunny Lee ... stand-in: Hairi Millie Lynskey ... clearances coordinator Imran Manzoor ... digital marketer Sebastian Marr ... pay...