1.1 认识 for ... do ... done 昨天刚学过while,until的循环方式 -->Linux 之 shell script -- loop(不定循环) :符合循环条件便可以无限得循环执行指定的“程序段”,我们便称为不定循环。今天学习与不定循环相对应的for循环,这种语法则是已经知道要进行几次循环的状态。 for ... do ... done的语法结...
In PowerShell scripts, it is often necessary to perform a particular action on all the files and subfolders in a directory. For example, delete, copy, move, or edit files according to a set of criteria. In this post we’ll show how to loop through files and folders and process each it...
Linux 之 shell script -- loop(不定循环) 0. 循环(loop) 今天,终于学习到循环啦~什么是循环? 循环可以不断的执行某个程序段落,直到用户设定的条件达成为止。 而根据循环的次数是否固定,又可以分为不定循环和固定循环,这篇文章里学习while do done和until do done两种不定循环。 1. while do done 1.1 认...
After creating a shell script and setting its permissions, you can run it by placing the script file in one of the directories in your command path and then running the script name on the command line. You can also run ./script if the script is located in your current working directory,...
echo "$var--->$sum" done a=1 while [ "$a" -le 5 ]; do echo "loop num : $a" a=$(($a+1)) done a1=1 until [ "$a1" -gt 5 ] do echo "until a1:$a1" a1=$(($a1+1)) done s=0 for ((i=1;i<=100;i++)) do s=$(($s...
echo "I am good at ${skill}Script" done 如果不给skill变量加花括号,写成echo "I am good at $skillScript",解释器就会把$skillScript当成一个变量(其值为空),代码执行结果就不是我们期望的样子了。 推荐给所有变量加上花括号,这是个好的编程习惯。
Now for the next script block. First, import the CSV file by passing the content path to theImport-CSVcmdlet. Then, using theforeach()method, loop through the names and create the new users in Active Directory. # Import list of Firstname and Lastname from CSV file$newUsers=Import-Csv-...
(转) 一个从fedora7中拷贝过来的bash脚本,居然不能在ubuntu下面执行,提示错误 Bad for loop variable G了一把,在TW同胞那里找到了答案~原来是bash和dash的问题 解决方法: 使用 sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 选择NO。。 世界又清静了~(经典!) 感谢link:http://hi.baidu.com/yk103/blog/item/1e9831fa3fc23d...
While 构造运行脚本块,直到指定条件为 false。 虽然它类似于 Do..While 构造,但它不能保证脚本块的运行。 While 构造使用以下语法: PowerShell While($answer-eq"go") {Write-Host"Script block to process"} 下一单元: 查看 Windows PowerShell 脚本中的 Break 和 Continue 下一步...
list of items has to be written out explicitly in the script itself (although it can be, and often is). It can iterate through each of the words in a file, through the content of a variable, or even through the output of other commands. The simplest form offoris to give it a set...