确认Intune 管理扩展已下载到%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Intune Management Extension。 未在Surface Hub 或 Windows 10 的 S 模式下运行的脚本。 检查日志是否存在任何错误。 请参阅(本文中的)Intune 管理扩展日志。 对于可能的权限问题,确保将 PowerShell 脚本的属性设置为Run this script using the logged ...
scripts to run on Windows 10 devices. For example, create a PowerShell script that does advanced device configurations. Then, upload the script to Intune, assign the script to a Microsoft Entra group, and run the script. You can then monitor the run status of the script from start to ...
This is a PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks/setting on Windows 10. This is by no means a complete set of settings. (There is ALOT that can be changed/done) The original basic script created byhttps://github.com/Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script/ ...
schedule a PowerShell script to clean up my WSUS which is proving to be a pain to keep on top of...little bit of research and I find the following basic script which appears to do what I need, however I get a red warning that this basically times out and then fails in i...
查看示例:AttributeMapping.psd file for CSV2SCIM script。 例如: powershell $AttributeMapping = Import-PowerShellDataFile '.\Samples\AttributeMapping.psd1'`-AttributeMapping $AttributeMapping 必须:是 唯一不需要指定的情况是在使用 UpdateSchema 开关时。
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands --- --- --- --- Script 0.0 myscriptmodule {Get-MrComputerName, Get-MrP... 可以使用所有建议的信息创建模块清单。 PowerShell New-ModuleManifest-Path$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MyScriptModule\MyScriptModule.psd1-RootModuleMyScriptModule-Author...
在以下示例中,变量 $number 的值必须介于 0 到 10 之间。PowerShell 复制 [ValidateRange(0,10)] [int]$number = 5 在以下示例中,变量 $number 的值必须大于 0。PowerShell 复制 [ValidateRange("Positive")] [int]$number = 1 ValidateScript 验证属性ValidateScript 属性指定用于验证参数或...
Sign myscript.ps1 $cert 開啟這段指令碼,您會看到簽章區塊被插到底部。試著使用設為 AllSigned (Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned) 的執行原則來執行此指令碼,應該能正常運作。現在您要修改並儲存指令碼,不過請確認您沒有再次簽署它。Windows PowerShell 現在應該會直接拒絕執行修改過的版本,因為簽章已損毀。
In the Set-StopWatchRecordValues.ps1 script, we create four functions to create and manage the StopWatch object and to record the elapsed time in the registry. The first time the script is run, it creates a registry key and informs the user that there is no stored information, as you...
Where()運算子行為已經改變。Collection.Where('property -match name')已不再接受"Property -CompareOperator Value"格式的字串運算式。 但是,Where()運算子還是可以接受 Scriptblock 格式的字串運算式。 Windows PowerShell 整合式指令碼環境 (ISE) 的新功能 ...