If-elif-else Statement 在 bash 脚本中,如果希望使用 if 语句应用多个条件,则使用 if elif else。...
if else语句 如果有两个分支,就可以使用 if else 语句,它的格式为:ifconditionthenstatement1elsestat...
the first line should be written correctly. This line specifies the interpreter for the script. You can use something like 'python' for Python scripts. However, this question is about the if statement in shell script, which can be done in two ways using 'test' or '[ ]'. To answer...
'Else if'in bash scripting, often written as'elif', is used to check multiple conditions in your code. It is used with the syntax,if [firstStatement]; then... elif [secondCondition]; then... else. It’s a powerful tool that allows your scripts to make decisions based on various scen...
If the first condition isn't true, the condition$freeSpace -le 10GBthat's defined forElseIfis evaluated. If this condition is true, the script block in the braces is run, and no further processing happens in theIfconstruct. In this example, there's a singleElseIf, but...
If you can enter commands into the shell, you can write shell scripts (also known as Bourne shell scripts). A shell script is a series of commands written in a file; the shell reads the commands from the file just as it would if you typed them into a terminal. ...
-rw-r--r--表示对我自己是 rw(可读可写);对 group 是 r(只读);对 user 也是 r(只读) shell script 的第一行是指定 bash 的位置,可以通过which bash命令还获取操作系统中 bash 的位置。所以shell 脚本中第一行一般为: #! /bin/bash 接着我们来输出一个 Hello world ...
https://ss64.com/bash/syntax-keyboard.html http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/commands/classictest https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-bash-test/index.html https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-loop-over-file/ https://linuxconfig.org/bash-scripting-tutorial https://github.com/LeCoupa/awe...
Syntax复制 <statement> {-AND | -OR | -XOR} <statement> {! | -NOT} <statement> 使用逻辑运算符的语句返回布尔值 (TRUE 或 FALSE) 值。 PowerShell 逻辑运算符仅计算确定语句真实值所需的语句。 如果包含 和 运算符的语句中的左操作数为 FALSE,则不计算右操作数。 如果包含 或 语句的语句中的左操...
for language in c c++ java python shell_script; do echo "my ${language} #变量左右加上{} done 1. 2. 3. 4. 变量 变量的二次赋值 #!/bin/bash name="Elena" # = 左右不能有空格 echo "hello, my name is ${name}" name="Demon" ...