If-statement-Bash-Script-Example if-else Statement 除了普通的 if 语句之外,我们还可以用 else 块扩...
9.使用If Else进行更多控制 将else构造与if结合起来,可以更好地控制脚本的逻辑。下面显示了一个简单的示例。 #!/bin/bash read nif [ $n -lt 10 ];thenecho "It is a one digit number"elseecho "It is a two digit number"fi 其他部分需要放在if的动作部分之后和fi之前。 10.使用AND运算符 AND运算...
它可以包含多个条件分支,每个分支由if、then、elif(可选)和else(可选)组成。 # 单分支语句 ---比较大小if(条件表达式);then 语句1 fi # 双分支if 语句if(表达式) 语句1else语句2 fi # 多支条件语句if(表达式) 语句1 elif 语句2 elif 语句2 fi 下面为一简单举例: score=85if[ $score -ge90]; then ...
if else语句 如果有两个分支,就可以使用 if else 语句,它的格式为:ifconditionthenstatement1elsestat...
if else-if else 代码语言:javascript 复制 ifcondition1 then command1 elif condition2 then command2elsecommandN fi for 代码语言:javascript 复制 forvarinitem1 item2...itemNdocommand1 command2...commandN done while while condition 代码语言:javascript ...
This script calculates the squareof5.'((area=5*5))echo $area 注意多行注释是如何放置在内部的:“和” 字符。 5、While 循环 while 循环构造用于多次运行某些指令。查看以下名为 while.sh 的脚本,以更好地理解此概念。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
In this example, the script first checks if ‘a’ is greater than ‘b’. If it’s not, it moves on to the ‘elif’ statement to check if ‘a’ is greater than ‘c’. If neither condition is met, it executes the ‘else’ statement, which in this case, prints ‘a is not greate...
4. Using if-else as a simple password prompt The if-else function is known for its versatility and range of application. In this example, we will use if-else in shell script to make the interface for a password prompt. To do this, we will ask the user to enter the password and stor...
The test and [ utilities evaluate the condition condition and, if its value is true, set exit status to 0. Otherwise, a non-zero (false) exit status is set. test and [ also set a non-zero exit status if there are no arguments. When permis- ...
[ s1 ] (true if s1 is not empty, else false) [ -n s1 ] (true if s1 has a length greater then 0, else false) [ -z s2 ] (true if s2 has a length of 0, otherwise false) Example Script number.sh #!/bin/bash echo -n “Enter a number 1 < x < 10: " ...