In a shell script, aforloop allows you to iterate over a set of values or a range of numbers. Here are a few examples of how to useforloops in different contexts: Example 1: Iterating Over a List of Values #!/bin/bash # List of values for item in apple banana cherry do echo "...
当我们用编程语言编写一个 forloop时,我们正在构建一个迭代的命令式:我们要求计算机首先完成一个工作,然后循环到最后。但通过GNU Parallel编写命令时,我们遵循所谓的描述性功能编程。就是,我们尝试用模式描述我们想要的内容,然后让计算机填写该模式并输入完整命令。 GNU Parallel的极简介绍 GNU Parallel 是一个非常好用...
for skill in Ada Coffe Action Java; do echo "I am good at ${skill}Script" done 如果不给skill变量加花括号,写成echo "I am good at $skillScript",解释器就会把$skillScript当成一个变量(其值为空),代码执行结果就不是我们期望的样子了。 推荐给所有变量加上花括号,这是个好的编程习惯。 已定义的...
'for-loop in a function'= {param([int]$RepeatCount, [random]$RanGen)functionGet-RandomNumberAll{param($rng,$count)for($i=0;$i-lt$count;$i++) {$null=$rng.Next() } }Get-RandomNumberAll-rng$RanGen-count$RepeatCount} }5kb,10kb,100kb |ForEach-Object{$rng= [random]::new()$group...
In PowerShell scripts, it is often necessary to perform a particular action on all the files and subfolders in a directory. For example, delete, copy, move, or edit files according to a set of criteria. In this post we’ll show how to loop through files and folders and process each it...
基本上, shell script 有点像是早期的批处理文件,亦即是将一些指令汇整起来一次执行,但是 Shell script 拥有更强大的功能,那就是他可以进行类似程序 (program) 的编写,并且不需要经过编译 (compile) 就能够执行, 真的很方便。加上我们可通过 shell script 来简化我们日常的工作管理, 而且,整个 Linux ...
0. 循环(loop) 今天,终于学习到循环啦~什么是循环? 循环可以不断的执行某个程序段落,直到用户设定的条件达成为止。 而根据循环的次数是否固定,又可以分为不定循环和固定循环,这篇文章里学习while do done和until do done两种不定循环。 1. while do done ...
ForEach($userin$users) {Set-ADUser$user-Department"Marketing"} 在前面的示例中,有一个名为$users的数组,其中包含 Active Directory 域服务 (AD DS) 用户对象。 ForEach 构造会为每个对象处理一次大括号之间的 Windows PowerShell 命令。 处理命令时,$user是包含数组中每个项的变量。 在第一次迭代...
Do { Write-Host "Script block to process" } While ($answer -eq "go") Do..UntilDo..Until 构造运行脚本块,直到指定条件为 true。 此构造保证脚本块至少运行一次。Do..Until 构造使用以下语法:PowerShell 复制 Do { Write-Host "Script block to process" } Until ($answer -eq "stop...
After creating a shell script and setting its permissions, you can run it by placing the script file in one of the directories in your command path and then running the script name on the command line. You can also run ./script if the script is located in your current working directory,...