chmod +x ./ 你应该会看到类似以下的输出: text IP address for node 1 is IP address for node 2 is IP address for node 3 is 这表明脚本已经正确运行,并且没有“坏的替换”错误。 总结来说,避免在bash脚本中使用不支持的嵌套变量...
warnScript:bash /home/ 5、好了,重启server,这样就可以在飞书收到告警消息了 6、注意windows编辑shell脚本后,上传到linux下执行可能出现\r错误 因为Windows系统中的换行符是**\n\r**,Linux系统中的换行符是**\n**,因此需要将**\r**替换为空白 ...
Shell字符串变量表达式: 包含字符串操作后的脚本,如果使用sh script-file执行,会报错:Bad substitution 可以使用以下方式执行不会报错 ./script-file 或 bash script-file #删除开始的字符串 echo ${str#I love} #删除开始I到.的所有字符串(最短匹配) echo ${str#I*.} #删除开始I到.的所有字符串(最长匹配...
Shell字符串变量表达式: 包含字符串操作后的脚本,如果使用sh script-file执行,会报错:Bad substitution 可以使用以下方式执行不会报错 ./script-file 或 bash script-file #删除开始的字符串 echo ${str#I love} #删除开始I到.的所有字符串(最短匹配) echo ${str#I*.} #删除开始I到.的所有字符串(最长匹配...
${!_sourced_}是间接引用,这个执行没问题,source 会报错 bad substitution _sourced_="__sourced_$$__"echo"Flag variable $_sourced_=${!_sourced_}"if[ -z"${!_sourced_}"];theneval"$_sourced_=1"echo"It is the first time to source script"elseecho"The script have been sourced"fi ...
shell bad substitution #!/bin/sh /data/script/common/run_cmd.exp "impala-shell -islave4 -q 'insert OVERWRITE table imeis.${tableName} select ${selectFields}, ds, fnv_hash(concat(cast(ds as string), imei)) from imeis.${...
Bourne shell scripts generally start with the following line, which indicates that the /bin/sh program should execute the commands in the script file. (Make sure that no whitespace appears at the beginning of the script file.) Bourne shell 脚本一般以下面一行开始,表示 /bin/sh 程序应执行脚本文...
11.1 Shell Script Basics(Shell 脚本基础) Bourne shell scripts generally start with the following line, which indicates that the /bin/sh program should execute the commands in the script file. (Make sure that no whitespace appears at the beginning of the script file.) ...
/bin/sh,指定执行shell script的解释器版本。有bash,dash等。Bash (GNU Bourne-Again Shell) 是许多Linux发行版的默认Shell。事实上,还有许多传统UNIX上用的Shell,例如tcsh、csh、ash、bs... 仰望那片天空 0 5545 Ubuntu下进行Shell脚本编程中[]的问题
Again, all but that one bit is working and I've tried various ways to escape the needed strings to get this work and I need insight on a path forward. This would be greatly appreciated. You are casting thescriptargument in yourshstep method as a literal string, and ther...