check date ok state req:{"v":"3.4.1","sfzmhm":"150121198603226428","s-source":"bjjj-android","timestamp":"1677810190000"}state headers:-HAccept-Language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.8-HUser-Agent:okhttp-okgo/jeasonlzy-Hsource:8724a2428c3f47358741f978fd082810-Hauthorization:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx...
cmd batch launch powershell script and getting environment variables set by powershell script cmdlet won't accept comma separated usernames given from a variable Code certificate not suitable for code signing color the output if service state is stopped Coloring a cell in powershell depending upon ...
-FileSets the name of a script fi le to execute. -InputFormatSets the format for data sent to PowerShell as either text string or serialized XML. The default format is XML. Valid values are text and XML. -NoExitDoes not exit after running startup commands. This parameter is useful when...
Accept wildcard characters:False -ArgumentList 指定参数数组。 此 cmdlet 获取有关 cmdlet 或函数的信息,当它与指定的参数一起使用时, (“arguments”) 。ArgumentList的别名是Args。 若要检测仅在使用某些其他参数时才可用的动态参数,请将ArgumentList的值设置为触发动态参数的参数。
Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -InitializationScript Specifies commands that run before the job starts. To create a script block, enclose the commands in curly braces ({}). Use this parameter to prepare the session in which the job runs. For example, you can use...
where {CLSID} is the actual CLSID of the object you've created. Of course, you may have multiple property sheet handlers for each folder. The actual script code used by the ATL registrar component looks like this: HKCR { NoRemove Folder { NoRemove Shellex { NoRemove PropertySheetHandlers ...
just file and directory name properties. Then I pipe that result to the format-table cmdlet with an -auto switch to produce a condensed display. Of course, I could have typed just "get-childitem" (or one of its aliases) without any piping to accept all the default arguments for the ...
do shell script "/bin/tcsh -c 'my-command'" And most will accept a script from standard input, like this: do shell script "echo my-command | /bin/tcsh" When in doubt, read the documentation for your preferred shell. When you put the command in thedo shell scriptstring, you will pr...
--info-script=名称, --new-volume-script=名称 在每卷磁带最后运行脚本(隐含 -M) -L, --tape-length=NUMBER 写入 NUMBER × 1024 字节后更换磁带 -M, --multi-volume 创建/列出/解压多卷归档文件 --rmt-command=COMMAND 使用指定的 rmt COMMAND 代替 rmt --rsh-command=COMMAND 使用远程 COMMAND 代替 ...
接触过一些 shell 脚本,做服务端运维时也时常用到,是时候专门学习一下了。 基础 Here Script 使用_EOF_ 将多行语句作为单句,避免转义字符的麻烦: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # echosecho"<html>"echo"<head>"echo"</head>"echo"</html>"echo"<html> <head> </head> </html>"cat<<_EOF_<html><head>...