Shell Chemicals’ new cracker plant in Beaver County has exceeded its air permit limits for two months in a row, prompting a notice of violation from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The petrochemical plant near Monaca was officially pronounced to be in commercial operations la...
At a recent refinery technology conference I attended, there was real interest in processes to make sustainable aviation fuels, from relatively straightforward hydrotreating of waste oil to complete synthesis of jet fuel from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Refiners want to do this, and aviation companies...
To achieve that target we will continue to transform our refinery and chemicals plants into lower-carbon energy and chemicals parks and improve energy efficiency, among other things. In 2022, we plan to significantly step up investment in carbon capture and storage. ...
Shell opened the Scotford Complex in 1984 with a refinery and chemicals plants, then expanded it in the early 2000s to process heavy oil into refined petroleum products. To do this, Scotford incorporated an ‘upgrader’, a unit that transforms bitumen into a light/sweet synthetic crude oil by...
BP PLC (LSE:BP.)andShell PLC (LSE:SHEL, NYSE:SHEL)may find themselves at the negotiating table as American peersExxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM)orChevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX)could come calling, that’s the view of analysts at Citigroup. ...
When my family moved back to the United Kingdom in 1976, we lived near an oil refinery on the south coast. I remember how impressive it looked to me as a young man. It was around that time I started thinking that perhaps the petrochemi...
“We’ve tried these things before,” and “we have still very significant scars as a result of it,” van Beurden tells me. “Nothing so far has really worked, and the things that did work we abandoned because we thought they were not going to work. So we don’t have a fantastic ...
gangway.Minathenwasnotaparticularlylargeplace,sooutsidetherefineryandtankfarm wasjustavillage–notmuchtoseeordothere,andcertainlynonightlife. Kuwaitisofcoursea“dry”country,soIcouldn’teventoastintheNewYearwithadrink.The NewYearcelebrationsatthehostelwereaveryquietaffair,andIactuallywenttobedat10 pmwithaglas...
refinery runs putting upward pressure on the WTI price. Production decline EIA said the estimate for U.S. crude oil production in March was 9.3 million bar- rels per day, but the agency expects pro- duction to decline from June through September before growth resumes. Based on its price ...
However, where figures are given specifically for oil production (net of royalties in kind), natural gas production available for sale, and both the refinery processing intake and total oil product sales volumes, the term "Shell share" is used for convenience to indicate not only the volumes ...