重启后如果能看到grub,开机过程中出现“Kernel panic – not syncing: Attempted to kill init!”,而无法开机时,需要继续恢复模式下修改支持scsi驱动。 上面两种原因是因为ESXI的虚拟机只支持scsi虚拟硬盘,当p2v完linux后,原来的IDE硬盘被换成虚拟的scsi硬盘,但linux仍然是ide设置,所以必须手工修改。就linux系统系统标...
VMware ESXi: VMware has its own shell and not using bash. Even you can’t install bash on esxi . According to their security blog, VMware investigating bash command injection vulnerability aka Shell Shock (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169). It may be applicable for ESX 3.5 & ESX4 versions. ...
zabbix_get -s -bash: zabbix_get: command not found zabbix_get 找不到命令是因为没有安装上zabbix_get ,解决办法:查看是否安装:[root@zabbixserver ~]# rpm -qa | grep zabbix zabbix-web-6.4.8-release2.el8.noarch zabbix-server-mysql-6.4.8-release2.el8.x86_64 zabbix-release-6.4-1.el8 ...
ERROR: Variable: found in expression: is not defined. ERROR:Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'DriveLetter'. Cannot convert value "$DriveLetter" to type "System.Char". Error: "String must be exactly one character long." escape the single quote inside an insert statement Escapin...
make: *** 没有规则可以创建“shc”需要的目标“shc.c”。 停止。 [root@udiskos shc-3.8.9]# rpm -q gcc gcc-4.4.7-3.el6.x86_64 [root@udiskos shc-3.8.9]# cp -av shc-3.8.9.c shc.c "shc-3.8.9.c" -> "shc.c" [root@udiskos shc-3.8.9]# ls ...
How to Shrink a Thin VMDK on ESXi 5.0 September 6, 2012boerlowie28 comments I always like to keep my template small. This means the files inside the VM, but the size of the VMDK as well. The reason for this is that I often need to download the VM to USB storage of whatever and ...
You can check if the connection to a specific URL is through a proxy or not:([System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebproxy()).IsBypassed("https://woshub.com") If the command returnsFalse, the connection to this URL will be made through the proxy configured in your PowerShell session. ...
Hyper-V Path Not Found while Enabling Replication hyper-v paused critical status error on disk space issue Hyper-V Physical Server Storage is getting filled, where VMs (Fix Disk) folder size is same, but free disk space is getting filled. Hyper-v Problem with 8.1 Pro and i3-4130 Hyper-V...
However, I've found that when I try to connect to VMware ESXi 5.x using this module/library, using a password, I get the error "Unable to connect to Exception calling "Connect" with "0" argument(s): "No suitable authentication method found to complete authentication.""....
New-NSXTFirewall -GatewayType MGW -Name TEST -SourceGroup @("ANY") -DestinationGroup @("ESXI") -Service ANY -Logged $true -SequenceNumber 0 -Action ALLOW Delete an Edge Firewall rule by specifying its ID: Remove-NSXTFirewall -GatewayType MGW -Id [ID] ...