重启命令:1、reboot2、shutdown -r now 立刻重启(root用户使用)3、shutdown -r10过10分钟自动重启(root用户使用)4、shutdown -r20:35在时间为20:35时候重启(root用户使用) 如果是通过shutdown命令设置重启的话,可以用shutdown -c命令取消重启5、init 6立即重启 或 init 1 init 是所有进程的祖先,它的进程号...
/test.sh: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `then‘ 。/test.sh: line 5: `then’ 只是告诉你在then附近有语法问题,到底什么问题呢?我们用shellcheck看看: $ shellcheck test.sh In test.sh line 4: if[ $# -eq 0 ] ^-- SC1069: You need a space before the [。 这么一看,就很清楚...
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc 3 + "(4**3 /2)" 3 + (4**3 /2) = 35 [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz xyz = 0 or is not an arithmetic expression [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz + 3 + "(4**3 /2)" + abc xyz + 3 + (4**3 /...
Cloud Studio代码运行 case"变量"in值1)指令1...;;值2)指令2...;;*) 指令3...esac #说明:当变量的值等于1时,那么就会相应的执行指令1的相关命令输出,值等于2时就执行指令2的命令,以此类推,如果都不符合的话,则执行*后面的指令,要注意内容的缩进距离 #简单记忆 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制...
An integer overflow in string repeat leading to a near-infinite loop has been fixed (#9899). string shorten behaves better in the presence of non-printable characters, including fixing an integer overflow that shortened strings more than intended (#9854). string pad no longer allows non-printabl...
Great news, everyone! If you live nearShell’s monstrous petrochemical complexin western Pennsylvania, you now havea fun new website to track the toxins floating through your air!That’s right—thanks toShell repeatedly violating its air pollution permit(because following basic environmental laws is...
// USERPROFILE/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/CD Burning COMPUTERSNEARME = 0x003d, // Computers Near Me (computered from Workgroup membership) FLAG_CREATE = 0x8000, // combine with value to force folder creation in SHGetFolderPath() FLAG_DONT_VERIFY = 0x4000, // combine with value...
Royal Dutch Shell Corporate Collaboration with the Nazis:added Oct 2021 Henry van der Waerden, the Shell executive who defied Deterding and his Nazi ambitions Shell’s toxic Nazi history catching up with the energy giantread more Share this: ...
自己总结的shell、perl和python的简单对比,欢迎交流! 【输出】 Shell:echo "hello,world" Perl:print “hello,world” Python:print "hello,world" 【变量定义】 Shell: name=oudemen echo $name perl: $name 标量 print $name @names 数组 %name 哈希变量 ...
COMPUTERSNEARME = 0x003d, // Computers Near Me (computered from Workgroup membership) FLAG_CREATE = 0x8000, // combine with value to force folder creation in SHGetFolderPath() FLAG_DONT_VERIFY = 0x4000, // combine with value to return an unverified folder path ...