Original product version: Microsoft Entra ID, Azure Information Protection Original KB number: 2797755SymptomsWhen you try to connect to Microsoft Azure Information Protection using Windows PowerShell in Microsoft Office 365, you get an error message that resembles the following:...
Whether short events start late or end early by the specified number of minutes depends on the value of the ShortenEventScopeDefault parameter (EndEarly or StartLate). Expand table Type: Int32 Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard char...
過濾器只包含已將公司屬性定義為 Contoso 的收件者,以及定義為 North Building 的Office屬性。 PowerShell New-DynamicDistributionGroup-NameAllContosoNorth-OrganizationalUnitcontoso.com/Users-RecipientFilter"((RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (Company -eq 'Contoso') -and (Office -eq 'North ...
Note: There's a limit to the number of times you can unblock a Microsoft 365 account. If you exceed the unblock limit for a user, you'll receive an error, and you'll need to contact support to unblock the user. For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, se...
defender-for-office-365 デバイス email-address-and-address-books encryption-and-certificates federation-and-hybrid mailbox-databases-and-servers メールボックス mail-flow move-and-migration 組織 policy-and-compliance policy-and-compliance-audit policy-and-compliance-content-search policy-and-compliance...
The FolderHierarchyChildrenCountReceiveQuota parameter specifies the maximum number of subfolders that can be created in a mailbox folder. The mailbox owner won't be able to create a new subfolder when this limit is reached. To see the current value of this property, run the command Get-Mail...
[-EnableNameRecording <Boolean>] [-EntryExitAnnouncementsType <String>] [[-Identity] <String>] [-IncludeTollFreeNumberInMeetingInvites <Boolean>] [-MaskPstnNumbersType <String>] [-MigrateServiceNumbersOnCrossForestMove <Boolean>] [-PinLength <UInt32>] ...
เราไม่ได้ทำการอัพเดทเนื้อหานี้เป็นประจำอีกต่อไปแล้ว ตรวจสอบวงจรชีวิตผลิตภัณฑ์ Microsoft...
Applies to: Exchange Online | Exchange Server 2013 | Exchange Server 2016 | Exchange Server 2019 | Office 365The following table lists the Exchange cmdlets and the input and output type for each cmdlet. For more information about the Exchange cmdlets, see Exchange PowerShell....
Can you please help me with the powershell script to disable and enable Teams license for the students in the CSV file. SkuPartNumber ServicePlans 'M365EDU_A5_STUUSEBNFT' - Teams1 'STANDARDWOFFPACK_STUDENT'- Teams1 'M365EDU_A3_STUUSEBNFT'- Teams1 ...