/bin/bashfor(( i=1; i<5; i++))doecho"i=$i"done 运行结果如下: i=1i=2i=3i=4 使用for循环处理数组的示例代码如下所示: #!/bin/bash array=(mon tue wed thu fri sat sun)forvarin${array[*]}doecho$daydone 2、while循环 while循环的语法结构如下所示: #!/bin/bashwhile表达式do语句1 ...
1、 for((i=1;i<=10;i++));do echo $(expr $i \* 4);done 2、在shell中常用的是 for i in $(seq 10) 3、for i in `ls` 4、for i in ${arr[@]} 5、for i in $* ; do 6、for File in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects; do 7、for i in f1 f2 f3 ;do 8、f...
forvarinitem1 item2 ... itemN;docommand1; command2…done; 下面来一个实例哈: forloopin1 2 3 4 5doecho"The value is:$loop"done 输出的结果就是: Thevalueis:1Thevalueis:2Thevalueis:3Thevalueis:4Thevalueis:5 for循环还可以顺序输出字符串来着: forstrin'This is a string'doecho$strdone...
you clearly identify the variable used in the loop as a single instance of the array. For example, for an array named$users, the variable used in the loop could be$user. You might notice examples of variables with a single letter that's the same as the initial letter of...
var=42# Spaces around=inassignments #等号两边的空格$foo=42# $inassignments # 对变量赋值时使用了$for$varin*;do...# $inforloop variables # 在循环变量处使用$var$n="Hello"# Wrong indirect assignment #错误的变量echo ${var$n}# Wrong indirect reference #错误的引用var=(1,2,3)# Comma sepa...
$tests= @{'PowerShell Explicit Assignment'= {param($count)$result=foreach($iin1..$count) {$i} }'.Add(T) to List<T>'= {param($count)$result= [Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new()foreach($iin1..$count) {$result.Add($i) } }'+= Operator to Array'= {param($count)$resul...
1. Loop Through a PowerShell Array with ForEach Loop The best way to loop through an array in PowerShell is by using theForEachloop. TheForEachloop iterates over each element in the array and allows you to perform operations on each element individually. Here’s an example: ...
Shell for Root(/sbin/sh) …… 本教程关注的是 Bash,也就是 Bourne Again Shell,由于易用和免费,Bash 在日常工作中被广泛使用。同时,Bash 也是大多数Linux 系统默认的 Shell。 在一般情况下,人们并不区分 Bourne Shell 和 Bourne Again Shell,所以,像#!/bin/sh,它同样也可以改为#!/bin/bash。
However, it is easier to use the For statement syntax with semicolons when you enter interactive commands at the command prompt. The For loop is more flexible than the Foreach loop because it allows you to increment values in an array or collection by using patterns. In the following ...
/bin/basharray=(12345);# 获取数组长度length=${#array[@]}# 或者length2=${#array[*]}#输出数组长度echo$length#输出:5echo$length2#输出:5# 输出数组第三个元素echo${array[2]}#输出:3unsetarray[1]# 删除下标为1的元素也就是删除第二个元素fori in${array[@]};doecho$i;done# 遍历数组,...