Shell Script,Shell脚本与Windows/Dos下的批处理相似,也就是用各类命令预先放入到一个文件中,方便一次...
expect {"yes/no"{ send"yes\n";exp_continue }"password"{ send"root\n"} } expect eof [root@centos7 ~]# bash one.expectone.expect: line 2: spawn:commandnot found couldn't read file "{": no such file or directory one.expect: line 4: yes/no: No such file or directory one.expec...
则不会提示用户去输入,所以第一个expect将无法匹配到assword,而且必须注意的是如果是spawn命令出现交互式提问的但是expect匹配不上的话,那么程序会按照timeout的设置进行等待;可是如果spawn直接发出了eof也就是本例的情况,那么expect "assword"将不会等待,而直接去执行expect eof...
/usr/bin/expect -fexpect "\n";send "pressed enter";$ expect -d sample.expexpect version 5.43.0argv[0] = expect argv[1] = -d argv[2] = sample.expset argc 0set argv0 "sample.exp"set argv ""executing commands from command file sample.exp expect: does "" (spawn_id exp0) match...
expect "]:" send "/bin/tcsh " expect eof exit 说明: (1)首行指定用来执行该脚本的命令程序,这里是/usr/bin/expect。 (2)程序第一行用来获得脚本的执行参数(其保存在数组$argv中,从0号开始是参数),并将其保存到变量user中。 (3)第二个参数使用expect的spawn命令来启动脚本和命令的会话,这里启动的是ch...
expect "]:" send "/bin/tcsh " expect eof exit 说明: (1)首行指定用来执行该脚本的命令程序,这里是/usr/bin/expect。 (2)程序第一行用来获得脚本的执行参数(其保存在数组$argv中,从0号开始是参数),并将其保存到变量user中。 (3)第二个参数使用expect的spawn命令来启动脚本和命令的会话,这里启动的是ch...
shell命令之expect报错 一、运行sh test.sh报错行7: spawn: 未找到命令行10: send: 未找到命令行11: interact: 未找到命令原因:第一,你不该用sh,因为这是expect脚本,直接执行./e.sh或expect ./e.sh第二,确认expect是在/usr/local/bin下参考: ...
count=0 while read ip do if [ "${statu[$count]}" == "open" ];then ./expect1.exp $fname $ip $dname fi ((count++)) done < ip.txt 如果.sh文件运行时,提示 spawn:command not found 则给.sh文件添加x权限,使用./x.sh的样式运行...
If you get errors about the location of Expect command you can get the location using the which command: $ which expect We did not interact with our script at all; the Expect program does the job for us. You can apply the above method to any interactive script or program. Although the...
expect是在Tcl基础上创建起来的,所以在安装expect前我们应该先安装Tcl。 【方法一:编译安装】 (一)Tcl 安装 主页:http://www.tcl.tk下载地址:下载源码包 wget ...