recording and settling services, products and materials to and from a Shell company; managing relationships and marketing such as maintaining and promoting contact with existing and prospective customers, account management, customer service, and development, execution and analysis of market surveys and ma...
every 5 years where you remain a customer during this period; without undue delay upon you requesting that your Shell account profile is deleted or to discontinue your participation in a Shell Loyalty Programme; or after 3 years for all subscribed services from our last interaction with you (tha...
Get-User -Filter "Department -eq 'Customer Service'" | Set-Mailbox -MaxSendSize 2MB此範例會使用 Get-User 命令來尋找客戶服務部門中的所有使用者,然後使用 Set-Mailbox 命令將傳送訊息的訊息大小上限變更為 2 MB。範例4PowerShell 複製 Set-Mailbox -MailTipTranslations ("FR: C'est...
Configure customer-controlled gateway maintenance Managing peerings Encrypt traffic over circuits Redundancy Configure ExpressRoute and site-to-site coexisting connections Azure portal Azure PowerShell Create a zone-redundant VNet gateway in Azure Availability Zones Plan and manage costs Rate limit for Expres...
We recommend that you don't modify the default value unless Customer Service and Support advises you to do this. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, ...
Note: You should only modify this parameter under the direction of Microsoft Customer Service and Support. The DisplaySenderName parameter specifies whether to show the sender's Display Name in the From email address for messages sent to recipients in the remote domain. Valid values are: ...
email-addresses-and-address-books encryption-and-certificates federation-and-hybrid Get-VivaFeatureCategory mailbox-databases-and-servers mailboxes mail-flow move-and-migration organization Commands Disable-CmdletExtensionAgent Enable-CmdletExtensionAgent Enable-OrganizationCustomization Get-AccessToCustomerDataReque...
Additional shipping information for customer, specific to datacenter to which customer should send their disks. ShippingInformationCity The city name to use when returning the drives. ShippingInformationCountryOrRegion The country or region to use when returning the drives. ShippingInform...
向“Update-AzCosmosDBAccount”和“New-AzCosmosDBAccount”添加了新参数“EnableBurstCapacity”。 向“Update-AzCosmosDBAccount”和“New-AzCosmosDBAccount”添加了新的参数“MinimalTlsVersion”。 向“Get-AzCosmosDBAccount”添加了新属性“CustomerManagedKeyStatus”。