/bin/bash3# testing multiple commandsinthethensection4#5testuser=NoSuchUser6#7ifgrep$testuser /etc/passwd8then9echo"This is my first command"10echo"This is my second command"11echo"I can even put in other commands besides echo:"12ls-a /home/$testuser/.b*13fi14$15$ ./if-then3.sh...
- name: check if foo.sh exists stat: 'path=/root/foo.sh' register: script_stat # 判断文件是否存在 - debug: msg="foo.sh exists" when: script_stat.stat.exists # 远程执行脚本文件 - name: run the script command: 'sh /root/foo.sh' # 创建一个nginx的目录 - name: Create a directory ...
#chesking if a directory exists if [ -e $HOME ] then echo "ok,on the directory.now to check the file" if [ -e $HOME/testing ] then echo "addending date to existing file" date >> $HOME/testing else echo "create a file" date > $HOME/testing fi else echo "sorry you do not ...
In the command above, we’re using the .NET Framework called"System.IO.Directory"to check if a folder exists. This tool has a feature called"Exists()"that helps us with this task. We tell it to look at the"C:\New\Documents"location and tell us if there’s a folder there. If it...
# Check the existence of jstack command!if ! which jstack &> /dev/null; then[ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] && {redEcho "Error: jstack not found on PATH!"exit 1}! [ -f "$JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack" ] && {redEcho "Error: jstack not found on PATH and $JAVA_HOME/bin/jstack file does NOT ...
--to-command=COMMAND 将提取的文件通过管道传送至另一个程序 1.4.5 文件属性操作选项 选项 说明 --atime-preserve[=METHOD] 在输出的文件上保留访问时间,要么通过在读取(默认METHOD=‘replace’)后还原时间,要不就不要在第一次(METHOD=‘system’)设置时间 --clamp-mtime 仅在文件比 --mtime 给出的时间更新...
PowerShell 7.0 會標記要移轉到 .NET Core 3.1,大幅提高與現有的 Windows PowerShell 模組的回溯相容性。 這在 Windows 上包含許多模組,其需要Out-GridView和Show-Command之類的 GUI 功能,以及 Windows 隨附的許多角色管理模組。 針對Windows,已將新的切換參數UseWindowsPowerShell新增至Import-Module。 此參數會在 ...
Invoke-Command-ComputerNameServer01,Server02-FilePath` C:\Scripts\Get-ServiceLog.ps1 取得腳本的說明 Get-Help Cmdlet 會取得腳本的說明主題,以及 Cmdlet 和其他類型的命令。 若要取得文稿的說明主題,請輸入Get-Help,後面接著腳本的路徑和檔名。 如果文稿路徑位於環境變數中Path,您可以省略路徑。
$ seq 1 | rush 'python unexisted_script.py' -r 1 python: can't open file 'unexisted_script.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory [WARN] wait command: python unexisted_script.py: exit status 2 python: can't open file 'unexisted_script.py': [Errno 2] No such file or dire...
# Check redis commandif [ ! -f "/usr/local/bin/redis-server" ]; then echo "Redis not ready, please install redis firstly!" echo "" echo "=== Install redis as follows ===" wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-5.0.7.tar.gz -P /usr/local/src cd /usr/local/src/ tar ...