powershell check if process is running 文心快码BaiduComate 要检查一个进程是否在PowerShell中运行,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确定要检查的进程名称: 首先,你需要知道你想要检查的进程的确切名称。例如,如果你想要检查notepad.exe进程是否在运行,你需要使用这个名称。 使用PowerShell的 Get-Process 命令: Get-...
# 检查.pid文件是否存在并获取其中的进程ID if[ -f"$SERVICE_PID_FILE"];then PID=$(cat"$SERVICE_PID_FILE") ifkill-0"$PID"> /dev/null 2>&1;then echo"$SERVICE_NAMEis running with PID$PID." else echo"$SERVICE_NAMEwas previously running but the process does not exist anymore." fi els...
/bin/bashSERVICE_NAME="your_service_script"# 对于SysVinit服务if service "$SERVICE_NAME" status ; then# 根据返回状态判断服务是否运行,这里通常会根据输出自行解析echo "Check output of 'service $SERVICE_NAME status' to determine if it's running."elseecho "$SERVICE_NAME is not running or command ...
webusr@iomtimer1:/bea/script/iom/ksprocess/tmpbak >foriin`cat*pid`;doecho'kill -9'$i >> killprocess.sh;donewebusr@iomtimer1:/bea/script/iom/ksprocess/tmpbak >catkillprocess.shkill-94588444kill-93605060kill-96619324kill-93932688kill-96947664kill-91049448webusr@iomtimer1:/bea/script/iom/ks...
ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster.checkServiceStarted(HMaster.java:2722) at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.MasterRpcServices.isMasterRunning(MasterRpcServices.java:1198) ...
check if object is $null Check if OS is 32bit or 64bit check If Process Is Running in another computer Check if SMB1 is enabled on the AD servers Check if string contains invalid characters Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check netw...
check if object is $null Check if OS is 32bit or 64bit check If Process Is Running in another computer Check if SMB1 is enabled on the AD servers Check if string contains invalid characters Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check netw...
Here is an example of checking if running as root in a bash script (using `id -u` inline to do so): #/bin/bash if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] then echo Please run this script as root or using sudo! exit fi # Remainder of script goes below this line Share Improve this answer Fol...
然后,脚本从恶意 URL 下载文件 "steamworks.exe" 到 Steam 客户端安装目录中(木马病毒程序)。 最后,脚本使用Start-Process命令启动下载的 "steamworks.exe" 文件(木马病毒程序)。 其中,powershell脚本中涉及的恶意URL 分别是失陷主机和恶意软件(特洛伊木马下载器): ...
boolean over = process.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); System.out.println("进程正常结束了么:" + over); // three: 判断是否运行完毕了, 如果没有, 就手动 kill 掉子进程 if (over) { System.out.println("finished in shell "); } else { ...