In the episode, Sheldon gleefully awaits the announcement of the 1990 Nobel Prize recipients. He's completely flabbergasted as to why the event isn't as popular as, say, the Super Bowl and invites his classmates over to listen to the announcement on the radio at 5:00 AM. No one — not...
The Couple Won A Nobel For Their Work In String Theory Sheldon and Amy rounded themselves out as the ultimate power couple by winning their Nobel Prize forsuper asymmetry.Even though some felt thatSheldon and Amy shouldn't have wonthe Nobel because of time constraints on their end, their fict...
你妈妈肯定很以你为荣 I've got a treat for us tomorrow, Mom.I'm taking you to see Saul Perlmutter give a lecture about his Nobel Prize winning work in cosmology. 不 她说如果我不退出她就要绝食抗议 虽然离出现生命危险得有好几年时间 但我还是于心不忍 And the best part is,at the Q and ...
Sheldon winning the Nobel prize leads him to start treating his friends with disrespect, evidenced by him dismissing Penny's pregnancy as something he can't catch and calling Howard an idiot in front of Leonard, who's mad at his selfishness and unkind treatment of him and the rest of the ...
Sheldon Lee Glashow (born December 5, 1932) is a Nobel Prize winning American physicist. He is the Metcalf Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Boston University. Sheldon Lee Glashow was born in New York City to Jewish immigrant...
是的 非常白痴 超级白痴 Did it look ridiculous when we got the Satanimals pack and I dressed up as a Beelzebobcat? 那咱们上次玩撒旦动物时 我装扮成恶魔猫也很白痴吗 Yeah. Very. Incredibly so. 是的 非常白痴 超级白痴 All right, fine. Let's just play. ...
1. A Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist On December 5, 1932, the world was blessed with the birth of Sheldon Glashow, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, in the northern tip of Manhattan in New York City. Glashow is renowned for his work in electroweak theory, which unified the weak force and ...
B: Either party is deserving of a heartyhandshakeafter winning aNobel Prize.C:Moral supportduring...
B: Either party is deserving of a heartyhandshakeafter winning aNobel Prize.C:Moral supportduring...
B: Either party is deserving of a hearty handshake after winning a Nobel Prize; B 在任何一方赢得诺贝尔奖时 必须衷心握手庆贺 C: Moral support during flu shots C 感冒时给予精神支持时 Seems a bit restrictive. 这条条框框也太多了吧 Feel free to retain a lawyer. 尽管去找律师好了 Penny, I sa...