Explore Fan Central Current The Big Bang Theory Wiki Others Like You Viewed Amy Farrah Fowler Leonard Hofstadter Mary Cooper Penny Meemaw Top Pages this Week George Cooper Jr. 1 Missy Cooper 2 Sheldon Cooper 3 George Cooper Sr. 4 Amanda McAllister 5 ...
大家都知道的,我就不多说了,比如73年生,白羊座,老家是德州休斯顿,身高1米88(好高!) 说些可能不知道的吧: 1. 昵称: Jimmy Pea(吉米小豌豆,哈哈哈哈)因为他的大名叫Jim Parsons 2. 小学时出演的第一部学校舞台剧的角色是一只鸟。^ - ^ 3. 拍摄“生活大爆炸”的前一天总是会紧张,因为害怕忘记台词。 4...
首先,Sheldon 在18岁就拿了PhD,Leonard 博士毕业则是22岁(忘了是哪一集说的了,反正是L不满S傲慢...
2009-11-25 00:34:08 貓小九 (Sheldon Cooper真是理想男友…) 好像记得 Sheldon 小组里有资料说,S已婚有一子女… 你看错了~~人家是说谢耳朵有个妹妹已婚~有个儿子,原话: Jim's sister is three years younger than him and she is married and has a son. 赞 回复 摩门教徒韦香主 (ashes to ashes,...
Sheldon Cooper is an antagonistic anti-hero in the series. Sheldon's canonical birth day is February 26, 1980. Gallery[] External Links[] Sheldon Cooper on the The Big Bang Theory Wiki Sheldon Cooper on the Heroic Benchmark Wiki Categories Categories: Male Live Action Heroes Sitcom Heroe...
我也是觉得Bazinga超可爱 可能人都会长大 成熟了就自然消退了一些幼稚 即使很喜欢