When they shake it, snow even begins to fall - whatever happens inside the snow globe, happens to their town for real!" (Cinetel).Release Date: December, 2011 (Television).Director: Sheldon Wilson.Cast: Magda Apanowicz, Jeffery Ballard, Leanne Lapp, David Cubitt, Jill Harris, and Michael ...
The implications of Sheldon’s absence are not good for the Coopers, who rely on both an illegal gambling room and a video store that stocks R-rated movies to make a living. While Sheldon might have been able to defend these establishments from Pastor Jeff, his family may struggle to do ...
Sometimes life gets complicated, but we’re excited to explore these new chapters in the lives of the Coopers.”George’s adultery was predestined. In a Season 10 episode of Big Bang, Sheldon confided in Penny that the reason he always knocked three times before entering a room was b...
我虽然很想谦虚一下 但是的 正是在下 Sheldon Cooper, at your service. 谢尔顿·库珀 恭候大驾 - So Georgies your brother? - Correct. -所以小乔治是你哥哥 -是的 And youre trying to protect him? 你是想来保护他吗 Incorrect. Im just curious what he did to incur your wrath. 错了 我只是好奇...
你到底跟米希·库珀说了什么鬼话 What the hell did you tell Missy Cooper?! 我出去回避一下 Ill give you some privacy. 这条过道摆的是最近的新片 Over in this aisle weve got your new releases. 这边是动作片和冒险片 Here are your action and adventures-- 史泰龙 施瓦辛格 your Stallones, your ...
这面墙的另一边的录影带出租店 Thevideostorerightbehindthatwall 租约空出来了 justlostitslease. 靠我还想去租约翰·坎蒂新出的电影呢 Aw,heck.IwasgonnapickupthenewJohnCandy. 如果你成为我商业王国的伙伴 Well,asmypartnerinthisenterprise, 那电影你可以免费拿到手 youcangetthatnewJohnCandyforfree. ...
Tams mom. 丹的母亲 Im Sheldons dad, George Cooper. 我是谢尔顿的爸爸 乔治·库珀 Nice to meet you. 幸会 Thanks for letting him spend the night. 谢谢你收留他过夜 Its his first sleepover. Hes excited. 这是他第一次到朋友家过夜 他很兴奋 Actually, Im quite apprehens... 其实我还挺... Hes...
Tams mom. 丹的母亲 Im Sheldons dad, George Cooper. 我是谢尔顿的爸爸 乔治·库珀 Nice to meet you. 幸会 Thanks for letting him spend the night. 谢谢你收留他过夜 It s his first sleepover. Hes excited. 这是他第一次到朋友家过夜 他很兴 奋 Actually, Im quite apprehens... 其实我还挺......
这是我这辈子见过最性感的画面了 Thats the sexiest thing Ive ever seen in my life. 真的吗 Really? 可我才刚脱裤子秀大雕欸 Well, I just took my pants off. 鲍尔宿舍的各位住宿生请注意 Attention, residents of Bower Hall. 我叫谢尔顿·库珀 是你们的新宿管 My name is Sheldon Cooper, and Im ...
Tams mom. 丹的母亲 Im Sheldons dad, George Cooper. 我是谢尔顿的爸爸 乔治·库珀 Nice to meet you. 幸会 Thanks for letting him spend the night. 谢谢你收留他过夜 Its his first sleepover. Hes excited. 这是他第一次到朋友家过夜 他很兴奋 Actually, Im quite apprehens... 其实我还挺... Hes...