It's 1989, and 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper has skipped four grades to start high school along with his less-intellectual older brother. As he struggles to be understood by his family, classmates, and neighbors, his mother arms him with the best tool she has: reminding bullies that his dad...
Sheldon's dad was also someone who had a lot of problems. It was clear from the start of the spinoff that he was sacrificing a lot in his life for his family, and no one seemed to appreciate it. However, when it comes to the saddest facts about George Cooper inYoung ...
2, marry cooper had slept with 3 men in her very limited amount of time on TBBT. Sheldon boss, Leonard’s dad, and some guy Sheldon saw through the window on a surprise visit, that blew his mind apart. Kait May 30, 2021 at 9:09 AM Clearly you have some unresolved issues wi...
♪世上没人比我强壮♪ ♪NobodyelseisstrongerthanIam♪ ♪昨天我移了一座山♪ ♪YesterdayImovedamountain♪ ♪我相信我能当你的英雄♪ ♪IbetIcouldbeyourhero♪ ♪我是个了不起的小家伙♪ ♪Iamamightylittleman♪ ♪我是个了不起的小家伙♪ ...
It's 1989, and 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper has skipped four grades to start high school along with his less-intellectual older brother. As he struggles to be understood by his family, classmates, and neighbors, his mother arms him with the best tool she has: reminding bullies that his dad...